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Social Security


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Just like the story of saddams capture,manifested to win the peoples support and drive the war effort.

They tell us what they we want to hear and some people are dumb enough to believe it.

Who's next?China,maybe Iran and what will be the reason,liberation.Yea right.The only thing they want to liberate is oil and eliminate anyone who's ideals don't fit ours.



"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep , for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator , while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty . Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of liberty." Abraham Lincoln


Youre right Nightrider , we do want to liberate oil ... on our soil.(ANWR)


Holyman , if youre too busy worrying about how deep the hole youre in is , youll miss the rope hanging down from above... as I have said before people will do what it takes to pull themselves out of a rut...wether it be family,church, govt., or on their own... people will succeed if they are committed.

Edited by KGL
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Holyman , if youre too busy worrying about how deep the hole youre in is , youll miss the rope hanging down from above... as I have said before people will do what it takes to pull themselves out of a rut...wether it be family,church, govt., or on their own... people will succeed if they are committed.

That's an interesting analogy. And you have a "top of the hole looking down" attitude... the hands off attitude that all people in holes need to do is climb the rope. But at the same time, you want to pull what little rope there is from the government out of the holes and say that there must be rope somewhere else, like churches and family. But some people distrust churches and don't have family. You are also not thinking of the people who are already barely functional. There are millions of people who are naturally timid, intellectually challanged, depressed or who have never had the chance or reason to look at the safety nets before they actually fall. Just like falling in a hidden hole. There are also millions of people who have made themselves worse by poor choices. People who are obese from overeating, diseased due to sexual "experimentaton"/ drug abuse/ or passed on thru family lines; physically incapable because of work or other accidents not compensated for by insurance, or who suffer from birth defects or other health problems, simply cannot support themselves. Your remedy is that at your convenience, when you feel like acknowledging the people in the holes {like on this forum} you will yell down into the hole "all you gotta do is pull yourself up" as you remove the rope that was already 3 feet too short.

This is evidenced by the fact that in the last 8 days of being a widowed female with 3 kids to support, you have done no research, made no plans, called no-one and done nothing to improve your situation. You have become a statistic, not an exception to the rule. So far, you haven't even been able to do it for 8 days. How are you going to do it the rest of your life?

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I don't think YOU quite understand.My gripe is not with Bush directly,he's just the idiot in charge at the moment.


I'm upset with our overall G O V E R N M E N T.


Why do hard core Bush fans think anything said negatively about Bush is a farce and the Democrats are just fabricating these lies to defame Bush.What about when the tables are reversed.Are the Republicans just making up stories to make the democrats look bad.


What you really need to do is start watching some international news to get some views from people that have no reason to make Bush look bad.I've spent alot of time in Europe and I can tell you that the majority of the world does not see Bush as you or hardcore Bush advocates do.These countries have nothing to gain by condeming Bush,so whats their reason for bad mouthing our president.


You can get a great perspective from international news.They tell the story exactly how it is,they have no reason to do so otherwise,thats part of the reason I stopped watching Fox,Msn,CNN and stopped reading american papers.They are always one sided towards Republicans or Democrats.Do yourself a favor and broaden your perspective a bit and see what our GOVERNMENT doesn't allow us to.


Just so you understand,I'll say it again,our GOVERNMENT in general is the problem,Bush just happens to be the idiot at the podium.

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Dude,if thats the way you think,your very closed minded


The last time I checked on the map..China was in asia,not europe,correct me if I'm wrong college grad.


So you can read arabic huh?Or are you just reading what some american reporter or republican based correspondant translated.


Obviously you haven't spent alot of time in Europe,if you did you would realize most people are happy with the way life is over there.We are not talking about third world countries here.I have relatives scattered all over europe and none have the urge to live the "american dream".2 of them did and even lived here for 10 years then moved back.


Which brings up another point,why do you think everyone wants to be American,thats the biggest misconception out there.Who drove that into that thick skull of yours,you know who,our GOVERNMENT.

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What you really need to do is start watching some international news to get some views from people that have no reason  to make Bush look bad.I've spent alot of time in Europe You can get a great perspective from international news.They tell the story exactly how it is,they have no reason to do so otherwise,




And I wasted all that time trying to figure you out...."Europe" , it all makes sense now ;)

Yeah sure why would France,and Germany Lie about anything....well except for that whole dealing arms to Saddam fricken thing! get a clue man , youre killing me.

How the hell do you people make it everyday having to piss and moan about

the evil U.S. ? do they actually come and revoke your "Liberal card" if you take

responsibility for something? or help someone be independant?

I dont hear as much whinning from the elementary kids I work around!

Holyman , you missed the point of my analogy... It means if youre always

looking at the negative , youll miss the opportunities... :) and a child of a deceased parent is eligible for soc. security until the surviving parent

gets re-married and/or they turn 18.

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:whoa: You guys have been busy while I've been trying to watch my income for the month go down the drain <_<

OK here goes...

My kid needed a cell phone because, when he had a job, he would work whatever shift was available. Sometimes he started at 7:00AM and sometimes he wouldn't be done til midnight. So he would call me to come get him from work. I also wanted him to have one when he was with his friends in case they did some underage drinking or something else stupid and he needed a ride. I also wanted to be able to find out where he is when he wasn't home. Besides that, he should be responsable enough to start his credit with a simple bill which would require budgeting.

We have not gone to 6 Flags yet because the work is seasonal. He needs a full time long term job and it's way too hard to find work after the 6 flags season ends.


On to soc sec...

It strikes me as funny that some of you guys who are for the end of soc sec are the ones who now suggest that KGL as a widowed woman should run to apply for it and stay on it 'til her kids turn 18. Yes there is a death benefit and it is a life saver for those in this situation. It will allow KGL to stay in her home and raise her kids. She may even get some health coverage so she can deal with her disease while caring for her kids. One thing that is flawed though is that she cannot work while getting the poverty level assistance she gets from soc sec.

And here is where KGL missed the point of MY part of the analogy... I understood what you were saying. But because you want to eliminate the soc sec coverage, it is like you pulling the rope that soc sec offers out of the hole. As it is the benefits are shrinking and it's like the rope was already too short. Do you yell to the person in the hole to go to church or ask their relatives for help or do you stretch the rope as far as it will go and add to the rope from your own supply to get them out? This really tells what kind of person we are as individuals. Are you the kind that says "those people should get some help but not from me" or "those people need some help what can we do" or "these people need some help, here's what I can do".

I just find it ironic that your only real suggestion was to go to the one thing you say should be eliminated. Granted the soc sec system and it's coverages need to be overhauled. But to eliminate it will be nothing but a smudge on the ideals that this country is supposed to represent. You know "bring us your huddled masses" and all that. Maybe we should scrap the statue of Liberty {didn't the French give that to us?} and 1/2 of the money could go to erect a huge middle finger where the statue once stood to demonstrate the US' view of the rest of the world. The balance of the money can go to find Bush's imaginary WMD's. And the govt can use Haliburton to build it... heck they're already on the payroll. :unsure:

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When you say use a bank account to pay bills are you meaning direct draw or a checking account?

Either one. The lenders just want to be able to get an accurate history of your bill paying that you cannot manipulate. Afterall anyone can say they pay their bills with cash or money orders but how would you prove it? If you use a bank account, all they have to do is get a bank history and there it is. I have a guy that I'm trying to get a loan for who is originally from Belize. He has owned a home for several years but still pays all of his bills with money orders. He wants to improve his mortgage rate but he has only had a bank account for 6 months. The only reason he has a bank account is because his employer required all of their employees to go to direct deposit. So when he gets paid, he goes to the ATM at the end of payday and pulls it all out except the $5 he needs to keep the account open. He then goes and gets money orders to pay his bills :wacko:

When I say to run a balance on your credit card, I'm not saying to go crazy and buy a house full of furniture that you will pay on for the next 20 years. I'm saying buy some carpet for a room in your house or some tools and pay them off over a couple months. Buy a washer or microwave and pay it off over a couple months. Keep the rest of your money in the bank.

If you make the minimum payment on your credit cards, it will take over 20 years to pay them off. So from that aspect, it would be better to put all available money to killing this debt. If you don't kill it now, it will still be there when you retire. You could file a bankruptcy but that just screws everyone else and it doesn't usually result in new spending habits.

You getting a co-signer to rent a place is OK but NEVER NEVER NEVER co-sign for anyone. You WILL be required to pay off the loan if the other guy defaults and it WILL ruin your credit rating too.

I saw a show on PBS last night ...

And you said you weren't a tree hugging ultra liberal :rolleyes:

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I'm pretty sure you could get a card at Sears or Menards or Home Depot. These are usually "safe" cards since most of the money spent will either go to home improvement {which should improve the property value} or tools which are often used to make more money. Cards at stores that you like too much could be dangerous. These stores are usually pretty easy to get and they are backed by banks that report to the credit agencies.

You can now get 1 free credit report per year directly from the credit agencies. So if you want to know what your credit rating is, you can do that. Or I could pull it and fax it to you.

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On to soc sec...

It strikes me as funny that some of you guys who are for the end of soc sec are the ones who now suggest that KGL as a widowed woman should run to apply for it and stay on it 'til her kids turn 18. . One thing that is flawed though is that she cannot work while getting the poverty level assistance she gets from soc sec.

. But to eliminate it will be nothing but a smudge on the ideals that this country is supposed to represent. You know "bring us your huddled masses" and all that.



Sorry but you are mistaken , my brothers girlfriend is a widow and her daughter recieves this benefit and her mom has a full time job.

End social security ? hmm , show me where I said that? on the contrary it is to save soc. sec. that changes need to be made.

"smudge on the ideals this country represents" ? sure we welcome the huddled masses to come here and make it on their own , not to come and leach off others.

check your history , socialism was tried in the original colonies and as designed it failed miserably... it wasnt until the free market evolved that they started thriving.

The world owes us jack shit... and its fresh out of jack!

Compassion is a system that promotes self sufficiency not dependence... ;)

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