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HaPpY BiRtHdAy Screamin_Demon!

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bday.gifHappy B-day man. :cheers:  Got a cold one x 30 waiting at home, 1st one's on you man!  Thank God it's Friday!!! :dance:






Thank's Led... I forgot all about everyone else being able to tell it was my b-day... I kept it kinda secret around the base so no one would know... lol



Have a great Birthday!!!

BTW where have you been?


I've been around on here since I got out of tech school in Texas and moved to Montana. Just haven't posted as much as I used to... but I've left my mark around. I have a feeling in a week or so I'm going to be on alot asking questions once I start rebuilding the shee... right now shee's down to frame and engine in the garage.


happy b day man. i came out from under my rock for this. so you better be drunk or some shit.


I appreciate that evil... it's been awhile since I've talked to ya. Last night was good.... stayed home and ordered pizza with a friend and my wife... finished off some Jose Gold that was in the fridge (3/4 of a bottle straight... no need to dirty up a glass, lol), couple of beers, and a glass or two of Crown. That was gone within about a 2 hour period...but I think I have an inability to get drunk, but I do have a nice headache going on, lol. It's weird... my buddy gets drunk easily, but never has hangover's, even after he attempted to get one to find out.... and I can't seem to get completely plastered and drunk where I can't even walk at all, but I get small hangover's. Go figure.


aww happy birthday!


Thank ya Brooke! How about a B-day pic of you that I could share with the HQ? What do ya say?

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