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its hurricane time

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That sucker is up catagory 4 strength.I've been glued to the tube to see where that thing is gonna go and how much it's gonna strengthen. Good luck and I hope you and your family is safe!

Every insurance company here in Hartford,CT is pissed about this one because they will have to cut some hefty checks after it's all through.Hartford,CT is the insurance capitol of the world.

Edited by BansheeBrian
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Well guys damage here is not to bad but the beach is really bad and places like airport have plaines fliped over and shit alot of houses are missing roofs and about 15 mins away punts gorda just got hammered still waiting to hear from friends here i am still power less i will take some pics tommorw

glad your ok, wonder if my old house across the street made it. hmmm. i went through hugo and andrew in that house.


Later man.

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:o it sounds serious over there! we dont get anything like that over here, the worst we had was about 3 yearws ago when it rained so hard trees were falling down on moving cars on the roads........5 people wer killed. thats about it. hope you all get throo it!!!!!!!!!!
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well guys I'm out my school was ripped to peices and a good friend of mines house is no longer standing. I am still powerless and they say i will be for about a week. I have been helping the clean up on the beach theri was over a foot of sand on the roads and my dad got alot of calls for clean up and since he owns a concruction company well we just said sure we will do wut ever needs to be done. So we took 6 front end loaders and cleaned it . up Well i don't got much power left on this computer so when the power gets bac on ill let u guys know and thax for all the help and keep everyone that got it worse then i did in your prays weathe ru pray or not. O yea the damage at my hpuse was road under water couple trees down and my truck got beat up pretty bad but thats about it Thank god

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