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I Can't believe this BS

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Fucking media. I don't care which side of the fence you're on, it's ridiculous how the mass media can and does twist perceptions under the guise of "education". The same goes for any other popular issue; quads, sex, music, violent video games (please), etc.


My opinion, educate yourself. If you're old enough to be a parent, you should have been around the block a time or two and see for yourself, if not you're not qualified to rear a child. Make your own mistakes and learn from them, take the cards you're dealt and chalk it up to experience. It takes all kinds, and most of us learn the hard way, but what gives one the right to shove their opinion on someone else? You got an opinion, voice it, just don't expect me to listen or give a flying f*ck.

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Fucking media. I don't care which side of the fence you're on, it's ridiculous how the mass media can and does twist perceptions under the guise of "education". The same goes for any other popular issue; quads, sex, music, violent video games (please), etc.


My opinion, educate yourself. If you're old enough to be a parent, you should have been around the block a time or two and see for yourself, if not you're not qualified to rear a child. Make your own mistakes and learn from them, take the cards you're dealt and chalk it up to experience. It takes all kinds, and most of us learn the hard way, but what gives one the right to shove their opinion on someone else? You got an opinion, voice it, just don't expect me to listen or give a flying f*ck.



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Simple fact is, if you want to smoke, SMOKE- if you dont want to then DONT!


That's my take. But it is bullshit that people present false 'facts' about it. Truth should be known about the stuff so people can make up their own opinions on it. I'll put my life on the FACT that alcohol is more harmful to a person than pot, without a doubt. BUT it is legal & pot isn't; partially because of all the bullshit 'facts.'


So here ya go....

Drug abuse among teenagers is a major problem. Lots of peope think that drugs can help them forget about their problems, unfortunatly, drugs usually cause more problems then solve any preexisting ones. Not only that, drugs like LSD, cocaine, crystal meth, and herion just to name a few are really dangerous. For example, LSD causes permanent brain damage. It stays in your body forever. Cocaine and heroin are extremely addicting and overdoses kill thousands of people every year.

One of the corps members compiled the following information about marijuana. You might be surprised to learn some of the realities of this drug.


Misconceptions about Marijuana:


Marijuana is not as harmful as cigerettes.


Although thtis statement might seam reasonable it is not. One joint packed with marijuana has the same intake level of tar as four cigerettes. This is true on more than one level. Marijuana is smoked to extinction while a cigerette is tossed out after two inches are smoked.


Marijuana is not addicting.


Marijuana is a drug, it is very addicting. Along with alcohol there is research that suggest that you can be predisposed to addiction before you ever try marijuana. This means that some first time experimenters can get hooked on marijuana extrememly easily.


Marijuana can not cause lung cancer.


Since the intake of Marijuana is much greater then that of a single cigerette there is a logical relationship with lung cancer. Although there is no certain proof that there is a direct relationship there are studies that suggest marijuana and lung cancer are related.


Driving drunk is bad, driving high is not.


Another false fact is that driving high is better than driving drunk. This street knowledge is extremely wrong. Marijuana can cause the same amount of damage as alcohol. In fact marijuana can impair driving skills for four hours after smoking a single joint.


Marijuana does not have any long term effects.


One of the scientifically proven facts about the harm of marijuana is the effect that it has on the long term memory. It can impair your brain so that you can't remember certain issues of problems.


Although most people might believe that the above misconceptions are true, they are definatly false. Marijuana is a very serious drug.


Where does Marijuana come from?

Marijuana is grown in a lot of different places in the world. It comes from a plant named Cannabis Sativa. Althought the hemp plant that produces marijuana is natural, American marijuana is sold laced with over four hundred chemicals. Marijuana can be smoked or eaten.


What can Marijuana do to me?

Like any other drug marijuana has certain long term and short term effects on the human body. It can impair vision, distort perception, increase blood pressure, possible lung damage,loss of long term memory and chemical dependency. People put it in rolling papers to make marijuana cigarettes, smoke it in bongs or pipes, or mix it in baked goods or tea and eat or drink it. The cannabis plant also yields hashish, a stronger form of marijuana, and hash oil, the stongest form that has very high levels of THC, the psycho active ingredients in cannabis.


Common Street Names: pot, weed, herb, green, mary jane, MJ, joints, bong took, reefer.


Legal Status

Marijuana is a Schedule I drug. It is illegal to grow, sell, buy or use marijuana, hashish or hashish oil. Synthetic THC capsules are available by prescription to treat the nausea that cance patients sometimes suffer. No form of the smoked drug has been approved as safe or effective for any medical use.



Take it, or Leave it. :cheers:

Edited by ledofthezep
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Who cares though, trying to scare someone isnt the best way to get them not to do anything, because peer pressure is FAR more convincing then reading an article about how drugs are bad.


Exactly, and they can atleast give TRUE information to try to scare people, not some shit the government tries to make everyone believe.

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i have NEVER EVER EVER met anyone successful that smokes pot still to this day.  they have grown up and realized that it does NOTHING for you and "can" prevent you from succeeding in life.

Pleased to meet ya Stealth...im Jim, i own a 20 million dollar recording studio in Los Angeles California, i built it from the ground up, from pouring the slabs to wiring all 80 thousand patch points ill smoke bud as i see fit, been puffin 25 years, dont do powder nor ever had the urge too, like a cold beer with a hot meal, sometimes i wont puff for months, other times several times a week i think if your a moron your fucked its just that simple, sometimes a guy just needs to relax to cope with the assholes in his enviorment, i remember when weed actually made you see shit, you mentioned drugs? i have kids too, taking them to mcdonalds is feeding them drugs, coffee is a drug, fuckin air in LA is a pack a day habit, id shit if my kids did drugs, but theres a difference between being 40 and 10 years old, most parents wouldnt blink if there 21 year old boy showed up at the house with a 12 pack, id rather see that same kid show up with a joint myself, as some judge sips whiskey from a flask in his desk he declares pot a crime, if weed was not a crime the goverment would loose billions of dollars a year taking it and its proceeds from people

Also a very good point. Unlike the lowlife loser stereotype marijuana user, many people use marijuana as a recreational drug, and are still very successful.

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Also a very good point. Unlike the lowlife loser stereotype marijuana user, many people use marijuana as a recreational drug, and are still very successful.

Werd. I've turned out alright, have had a steady job for 5yrs now, am a supervisor over a tech support group of 5 techs supporting now close to 70,000 customers, have insurance, benefits, PTO, vacation time, kick ass 401k(75cents to my $1), and will soon have my own graphics business. Yep, that pot's sure screwed up my life... :rolleyes::cheers:

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I just said "I" personally had not met anyone still using that had made anything of themselves. Not that there aren't people out there...you damn potheads got all confused in my statements. hahahahahaha...j/k


I do agree that alcohol is worse than pot. Growing up with both in my family, I definitely would choose the chilled out mellow pothead over the fuckhead drunk. I just found it funny how people stood up defend pot based on their decision to smoke it. I still stand firm on my statement regarding kids. Whether it be pot, beer or whatever...

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