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Spliting the ol' crank case? Not sure bout it..

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This is concerning the condition of my crank from where the left lower con rod bearing flew apart :unsure: . I'm pretty good at doing my own stuff. I've been told to let the pro's handle spliting the case, b/c of springs and gears goin all over the place.


So... any tips. MY plan is to remove the side covers and just pull all of the bolts and split her' open. I'm sure there's more to it, but i've never done it before. So here i am. banghead

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its not that hard.. if u forget where shit goes label it .. its so easy to make a label between the labels and the clymers u should not have a problem .. just make sure u put the shift rod back in before u put the cases back together .. seen it happen before .

Edited by reas11
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Its pretty easy. Remove the side covers like you said. Remove the clutch assy. Remove the stator and timing plate. Pull the head and cylinders off.

16 case bolts later and shes ready to split. Pull the top case half off after you

remove the pistons from the rods and there will not be any springs or gears flying anywhere. The 2 gear packs lift right out as an assembly. A flywheel puller is the only special tool you should need. I may have forgotten a minor

detail or 2 but nothing tricky. You'll see when you get in there. Make sure

you have a clymers manual and you'll be ok.

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I would do it yourself it's not that hard my friend's shee has been split once and I watched him do it. He has to split it again now too. Practice makes perfect. :shootself: You might as well learn how to do it yourself.

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