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Running Fuel Line For 28 Pwk's

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Could someone grab a picture of their fuel lines for 28 PWk carbs. I'm running a single fuel filter then its split after that. I can't figure out how to run the lines without an air bubble in the right side fuel line.


I'm only on my third heat cycle and when I blip the throttle I can actually see the fuel level drop. It won't immediately drop back down to idle, it will rev pretty high for a couple seconds then drop back to normal idle. This leads me to think its actually causing a lean condition.


I'm really nervous about this cause I can't imagine what will happen when I actually ride it WOT.

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:blink: bubbles???

I don't know, makes no sense to me. Shit flows down hill.

Fuel is going to flow through both lines no if's and's or but's

unless there is an obstruction in one of the lines or if a line

is routed above the level of the fuel in the tank...otherwise

don't worry, gravity is your friend, fuel will get to both carbs.

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hope this helps since i can't seem to find the digi camera. I made my fuel line 3 in. long which goes into my fuel filter, after the filter is a 1 1/4 in. line that goes into my brass T. From the T my fuel lines are about 3 inches long apiece, and now i don't have an air bubble in either line.

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