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Best Kind Paint To Paint Frame


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standard high quality paint.

Krylon touch baby! :D


I know a guy who goes with a different frame color each year. Each winter he does a complete tear down & inspects, cleans, fixes anything & everything on his banshee. Sandblasts the frame & starts with a new color each time he puts it back together. :) His shit always looks good, damn good. He's 100% duner with his shee. He says to use at least 2 good primer coats, then use 3 full cans of whatever color, coat after coat after coat after coat until the shit's gone. Then apply at least one full can of clear-coat, he uses 2.



Damn that's a lot of work. I can't even get to my frame the first time, let alone every year. I wish I had the motivation to get mine purtied up, that damn grey yamaha is FUUUGGLY!


Led, when you getting yours back?

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