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Hatfield Mccoy

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I try to skip all the main events, we usually go down the end of august beginning of september every year. Last time we got there on the last saturday of dirt days, week whichever one in the fall it is. It's nice to go then because all the trails are all cleaned off of debris and the riding is usually pretty good. It's rained a lot every time we've gone though in the last 2 years.


Bring skidplates and some good hillclimbing tires. Some of the hillclimbs are insane, and try not to look over the edge often, it'll give you second thoughts of what you are actually doing. Third gear pinned around a wide bender with just some brush and a good dropoff on the other side. Watch out for the washouts as well, you'll come around a corner and the outer edge will have a piece missing from being washed out. Always do ride throughs before going all out.


I recommend Rockhouse trailhead. To make it from one end to the other I'd recommend an IMS tank, or at least get a backpack and a 2 gallon gas can to throw in it. Every time you stop take some out to make it lighter. You wont notice its there really. Actually you might be able to make it with a regular tank if you choose trail 10 I believe it is. They just made a new cutthrough when I was down there last time that cut out a big roundabout section.


Good times man, really good times. Where you staying at? I wouldnt recommend Paradise Island.....its a shithole, literally....it used to be a dump that they turned into a campground/god's greater than thou type place. And their septic system sucks.

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i bought the ims tank just for going because i knew ill need it, i also have the out-n-back rack. im not exactly sure where we're staying ill have to ask my buddy who organized the trip, but i know its a new cabin the guy just built and its near the drag races and hillclimb and about 2 miles from a few of the trails. i got gbc shredders and and my stock tires for back ups. hopefully all will go well.

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are the shredders new? My holeshots did decently there when they were brand new, but I had quite some trouble getting up some of the climbs with them. If it stays dry you should be alright. Last time I went down I used Mud Sharks and they did really good, but I'd say your best bet for a tire down there would be some 20" blackwaters.


Make sure you bring plugs, and I'd invest in a nac's beadbreaker. Probably the best tool I have. It makes changing tires a cinch. I banged up a rim pretty good when I was down there, pulled the tire off it, and beat it back and its good as new. My mudsharks are 4ply and I got a puncture in the sidewall on the first ride on them down there. It's some rough riding in parts.


I believe the one trail on the rockhouse trails is trail 96 or something to that degree. It's the east one in the middle of the trails where theres 2 or 3 black trails. We hit it from North to South luckily. Theres a climb on there thats got a 3 ft deep water runoff washout on the one side of it thats like 3 ft wide, and barely enough room for your fourwheeler on the rest of the width of the trail. It's all windy and on probably a 60-70% grade. We went down it instead of up it, grinding our skidplates with 2 wheels down in the washout, foot up against the wall on the other side of the washout. Every time you wanted to go down some you'd just push on the wall with your foot and let go and you'd slide down some more. It was pretty hairy in some spots. All I can remember is that I was thinking that I was glad that I wasnt trying to go up it instead.


We stayed at this paradise Island place, its in a great location, just a shithole, its inbetween the North and South entrances of rockhouse on that road to the east of the trail. It was like a 5-10 minute rip on the road to the north entrance, and about a 15 minute rip from the bottom end. Your only supposed to go like 15 mph or something like that on the roads, but I revved out through 6 more than my fair share. Shit, they dont care, its the only business that area will probably ever see.


You're in for good times man, and there was some shee's there that we're pretty hooked up drag racing, I've got a roll of film somewhere with all the pics. I was going on 53 hours with no sleep at that point so it was all just a blur.

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