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Dean For President


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Whats messed up is people are ok with having their rights taken away. Alot will vote for him and people like him until we have little to no rights. They worry about crap like this while american kids are coming out of schools dumb as hell. I think they like having alot of stupid people so they get votes. Then we have people working the system having 4 kids and they can't afford one of them. When does it all end. I"M SICK OF PAYING FOR PEOPLES KIDS.

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I'm a sportsman and since i love guns atv's sledding you name it I'm for bush. He may not be the best president, but he leaves us do what we like instead of taking it away. As for the wars and stuff someone had to do it. Is it so wrong for a president to do something for once rather than sitting down signing new laws that take our freedom??

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Whats messed up is people are ok with having their rights taken away.  Alot will vote for him and people like him until we have little to no rights.  They worry about crap like this while american kids are coming out of schools dumb as hell.  I think they like having alot of stupid people so they get votes.  Then we have people working the system having 4 kids and they can't afford one of them.  When does it all end.  I"M SICK OF PAYING FOR PEOPLES KIDS.

The people that don't mind loosing rights are the ones that benefit from social programs that take care of them. If they don't have a job and just sit around their house collecting wellfare from then Dems, why would they give a shit if YOU have a place or a bike to ride. I mean if some lazy bastard is going to the polls to vote and he has a choice between someone who wants to give him wellfare or let him marry his gay lover but take away bikes and riding areas or a candidate that wants him to get a job and act like a human but will keep the bikes legal and the riding areas open, who do you think he'll choose?? People that don't exercise their rights don't mind loosing them and that's why they vote for Dean. They want those of us who have jobs and pay taxes to work more and pay more taxes to support more of their social bullshit programs.

/steps off soapbox

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people make me sick... the school i go to, all the teachers and even the friggin kids, have democratic ideals. What alot of people dont realize when they say bush sucks for sending us to war is... Clinton started it.. Who was the one who said we needed to disarm iraq in the year 2000-2001 elections? CLINTON. bush has just been trying to be a good president by continuing what that democrat started. except bush isnt taking other peoples shit, and thats why they are gettin mad. i say VOTE FOR BUSH


and hoenstly? do ATV'ers have an alliance with snowmobilers? i think there should be one huge coalition that has dirtbikers, snowmobilers, atvers, mountain bikers, hikers, EVERYONE. all these environmentalists piss me off.

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I agree 100% with ya BlueBansheeTwin. The one that gets me on how dum some people are. I hear many blame bush for the 9-11 attacks because of his foreign policies. Now he was only in office like 8 months and according to sources those terrorists had 2 years of flight training and planning of the attacks. Now how can that be bush's Fault???? It was plan back when Clinton was in office just after the uss cole was attacked. As for saddam he was blamed for million or so deaths was it and now that someone has taken is brutal power we're the bad ones LOL. To Fight evil you must use evil even if it's lies of wmd.

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When I read or hear people talking about how everything that is "fun" should be banned or how welfare is paying to support baby factories, my idea of what is wrong with this country always comes to mind. I will start by saying this, "I love this country and I thank God that I'm an American citizen.", but there are too many laws, these laws in turn are protecting and breeding more stupid people.

Lets take seatbelt laws for example, I believe that I have the right to decide if I want to wear my seatbelt or not, I'm over 18 (way over) so if I choose to be ejected through the windshield of my truck in an accident, then that's my choice. So my idea is, if I die in this accident, then my "stupid gene" gene is now removed from the human race. I don't have a problem with people under the age of 18 having to wear a seatbelt, but if your old enough to die for your country, then your old enough to decide about a seatbelt.

I really believe that all these types of laws are doing is breeding a mentally challenged race of humans, we are seeing for the first time on this planet that the survival of the fittest no longer applies and the human race is de-evolving. I do agree that we do need laws against major crimes like murder, stealing, ect. but to be able to ticket me due to a seatbelt or because the track I'm riding on is creating dust that is getting on Oliver Winery's grapes (that one still pisses me off and it happened a couple of years ago) is doing nothing but allowing stupidity to run rampant.

Case in point, anyone remember the old lady that tried to douche with McDonald's hot coffee and won the lawsuit? I don't know about anyone else, but at an early age I learned that coffee was hot and not a very good place to stick my penis in! This woman didn't learn this lesson because she had the "stupid gene" and when she tried to sue she should have been used as a poster child for stupidity, this banishment would have shown other people with the "stupid gene" that placing hot coffee on your private parts hurts and is not accepted in our country so don't do it or you'll be made fun of also. As a history lesson to all the younger readers, when I was a kid you could only get hot coffee, when coffee turned cold you threw it out or reheated it with fresh coffee.

I'll quit my preaching, but I know that you realize where I'm going with this.

I guess that the politicians do know what they are doing! They are creating a breed of people that do not have any common sence and are totally dependant on the government for everything. This will allow the politicians to do what ever they want and will never have to answer for it because the public will be too stupid and dependant to care.

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I agree 1000% with ya Zodo. LOL Free country LOL. I hate it when all the leaders brag about the US a free country lol what a crock. You wanna see a free country go to mexico and look at all the stuff you can do compaired to US. I've been preaching that same seat belt thing too. I don't even have the right to decide if i should wear a seat belt or not. If their gonna call it a free country then make it one otherwise get rid of that free country crapy talk. Some laws need to stay, but i do believe we have a weakend society and is getting worse. FUCKING NEW LAWS WHEN WILL THEY STOP!!!!!!!!! What a sick country a real fucking sick country. Pretty soon we won't have the right to wipe our asses. Oh lets make a law on this and that and this and that............................Freedom of speech lol i can't say shit without getting sued or fined now so much for freedom of speech. Ok i'll go calm down.

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It's all part of the Pussification of America, they're trying to creat a fool proof society and instead they are creating a generation of pussies. When I was growing up my father taught me to be self reliant. I learned how and why things work and how to fix them when they break. How to make good decisions. How to take care of myself. Nowdays if you do somthing stupid that gets you or someone else hurt it's not your fault. It's societies fault or some company that didn't make their product so effin simple that you couldn't missuse it. It's starting to make me sick.


This weekend at Glamis a girl that was riding with our group went over a razor back and endo'd into a wiches eye and hurt her leg (bad bruise). She was pissed at her new Z400 for tipping over and was asking people if she should sue. I asked her "if you were hiking and fell off a cliff would you sue Nike??" or maybe she should sue Mother Nature for making the back side of a dune so steep. Or maybe it would have been better if she'd have broken her neck to remove her dumbass gene from the pool.

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