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Southern Oregon New Years Ride


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hey people,


im just wondering where everyones going to go riding on new years...im probably heading to winchester bay just because it's the easiest place to camp for us and is close to a regular town (not like spinreel)...im riding a 2002 w/ a black frame and silver fullbores, you'll probably see it somewhere close to a brown '91 explorer, double-decker open trailer, a '92 blaster (black/blue/white), '87 warrior (red), and an '87 250X (grey and really loud due to a 350X engine)...there will probably be a couple other bikes riding with us and we'll most likely be parked at the 3rd parking lot where everyone drag races...if anyones interested look me up and pm me...if ya'll want you can give me a buzz on my cell too (PM me and we'll work something out)...hope to see you there and meet some people



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What's up NewGuy... I am trying to get the 2nd off and if I do I'll be down there with a big group of my buddies. I think that we are going to go to Horsefalls though. IM me sometime this weekend and maybe we can hook up down there.


Did you end up polishing that swing arm?

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Nice you guys, thanks for the info and i hope to meet up with a group...


and no eehsnab i kinda chickened out and got scared of the rust issue, so i just painted it with the rest of the frame...


i had the frame and such all sandblasted and primered nice, i was gonna spraypaint it and then touch it up really nice...well the spraypaint didnt take to the primer so my friends dad air-gunned it and i basically got a $500 automotive paint job for next to free...clearcoated and everything :lol: i'll definately have to get pics so people know what to look for...



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the only reason we ride at winchester bay is because my sister and mom arent very comfortable riders and they are familiar with the terrain...i'd like to bomb down to at least spinreel for some beach fun but i dunno if i'll have the time or money lol...sorry for bumpin up an old post, i've been out of town all weekend





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