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in my opinion just polishing the ports will not gain you any noticeable power. if you look at your stock intake ports they are very restrictive...only way to get more performance is to get more fuel in there and to do that you have to port. I would just port it if i were you. if you have an air dremel and a hoan you are all set.

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First don't polish the intake, just take out material and leave it somewhat ruff, to keep the gas mix from forming droplets in the intake. But go ahead and polish the exhaust till you can see your face in it. Get on ebay and put in foredom. That is the type of porting tool you need. The ones with a flexable shaft and foot control. For hogging out everything lookup carbide burrs, single cut. Then you are going to need some sanding wheels or bee hives. You won't hurt anything cleaning up the ports. Where you get into trouble is when you raise the exhaust too much and the transfers or make a port to wide so a ring sticks out into it and hangs up. Porting is real simple and real compicated. In other words you can screw up your $300 jugs real fast. So study this some befor you become a weedend HACKER (that is what backcountry calls us). Good luck

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