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yeh sounds like bs. tell them its slow when they are stock and horribly under powered compared to other bikes. or tell them you want the new yamaha 450 and make it sounds bad ass and start bad mouthin the banshee and comparin it to the 450 and keep tellin them you want the 450 and when they break on that then be like nah i want a banshee i would feel safer on a slower machine.

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Kid, not to dampen ur hopes, but i didnt start ridin a shee till i was 16, and ridin for like 9 years. Im not sayin u can't, but i know it would be dangerous to put me or my friends on at that age. But i dont know how u ride. My ? is, have u ever ridden one. B/c i rode my dads when i was like 15 and it scared me the first few times. But when i got my own at 16, it was ok, then like a few months later, i was already lookin at goin faster. Its just my opinion, but i would hold off for a few more years. I have riddena 250, and it is way different. Its all up to u. Have fun, and deffiantly buy one on time. Peace. :):(

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Hey yall, i can ride just fine. I am the youngest one in my ridng group, and i still keep up. I was just taught to look for my limits. and to respect my machine. Plus i got a bronco that i have restored all off of a part time job. w/ out my truck, i would have made a killer shee, and i would smear ur asses. But hey, we dont need fighten, so if we ever meet, well settle it the right way.

Ps. the first time i rode his stock(at the time)shee, i was draggin and kicken a lot of ass. I had never ridden it b4, but i was beatn older guys, some of them had some sweet toys, one was even a racer. so ha. But, like others sat, u gotta know ur own boundries, stay in them, but push them too, u learn stuff bout ur self that way. Peace


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Great, good for u wheeliemaster. U r the shit. I should bow down to u. W-e. I was just given my input. And if ur so fast, y not race and be the best in the country. If ur 109, how do u handle 70+mph, it gets light up round that speed? But thats not what this site is for, so i'll admit u proly r faster, but if i had more money i would be faster too. My parents made me buy my quad and pay for everything on it, so i dont have a lot of spare money after i pay my truc payments, ins, cell phone, quad payments, and everthing that breaks along the way. All off of a part time job. Sorry, but i didnt get handed one like u did. Peace yall

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damn bronco ur kinda full of your self aint ya. all the kid was sayin was that he was only like 109 lbs and handled his bike i dont think he was tryin to undermind the fact that u paid for ur shit he was prolly just givin another example of you dont have to be a big guy to ride... i paid for everything i got and i dont go tellin everybody and their mom ya know alot of ppl on here pay for all their shit and if he got his bike handed to him them what ever ya know thats his bisness(sp) he didnt say he was the greatest cuz his parents bought him a bike or if they did at all did he?.

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