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South Central Ks, Wichita?


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Used to ride at kaw when I was younger actually, live north of ponca. That place is still open to the public? Remember hearing it was shut down at some point. Also remember it being more motorcycle oriented back then

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Interesting I may have to go check it out again however not really into beating my shit up on rocks but I do have a clunker for that. Is it a go as u please still? Pay? Gated? Anything of that nature. I live in arkansas city

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Have rode those dunes for 18 years and there is no substitute around here, however when I wanna get a quick "fix", it's not practical anymore to just load up and roll down. Costs roughly $300 for me to do that for a day which isnt much at all to me but still, not something i can make a habbit of. Seems I ride my bikes less and less every year, not digging that concept for this year and would like to utilize them more.

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There is sand drags in Eldorado , riding the river from dodge city all the way into basically colorado. All cool wide sand river with dunes , pits and small hills. We did 85 miles there a few years ago. Camatv may chime in. He rides a few places on rivers I believe. The arkansas as well as kansas rivers are the two rivers in kansas that are publicly useable navigable/ legally travelable rivers as per the state.

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Not much into the drag scene, straight line is a total snooze fest for me but ill check it out none the less seemings how elderado is fairly close to where I work. The Arkansas river is pretty flat ass sandbars in my town but all we really have now unfortunately. May venture out sometime to dodge if its worthwhile but thats about an equal drive to the dunes, we shall see.Thanks for the input :)

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