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no spark


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i re did my whole banshee took the engine out of one frame and it was running beautiful and now it has no sparks they guy before me did something to bypass the igniton and i put a new one in i dont know if that has something to do with it or what i never touched the stator any help would be appreciated I WANA RIDE!!!!

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well i think you answered your own question when you told us you put in a new ignition.....i bet that's it. did you put a KEY ignition back in or did you put a TETHER?


i put both in my dads banshee has a tether and its set up where you cant use the kill switch you can use the key to shut it off or the tether

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Sure you got the "correct" teather? Some are normally open, some are normally closed. Try pulling the teather and see if you have spark. :cheers:


like i said the tether isnt even hooked up right now i dont know what to do i scuffed the grounds up everything is hooked up right its really getting to irritate me especially cause i was suppose to have this thing running last night and be on the trails right now

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okay now your starting to confuse me. is it your banshee or your dads that you are having the issues with. Your confusing me cause your sayin you have both of them hooked in but then later your sayin the tether isn't even hooked up. my suggestion is to just ditch the tether and key switch so that you can ensure that was the problem and get on the trails. Then when you have some more time just take things slow and do things right.

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okay now your starting to confuse me. is it your banshee or your dads that you are having the issues with. Your confusing me cause your sayin you have both of them hooked in but then later your sayin the tether isn't even hooked up. my suggestion is to just ditch the tether and key switch so that you can ensure that was the problem and get on the trails. Then when you have some more time just take things slow and do things right.


its my banshee i was having problems with the tether isnt hooked up i need to do that i found the problem though it was the stupid throttle system stuff i unplugged everything and bam i got spark i am ordering the throttle kit to eliminate all that but now when i turn my key switch off the bike still sparks any idea

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