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Swingarm Bearing Removal


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So I searched threw this forum and didnt find alot of info on removing the bearings from the swingarm. I am doing this since it seems sloppy and just happened to have a rebuild kit here. Anyway should I be trying to go from one side with a screwdriver and push it out or get a puller or what?


Sorry for the bs questions.





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If your going to junk them then yes, use a punch or screw driver from the other side and go around and pound them out.


Make sure you dont nic up the carrier any though.


Make sure you pack the lip with grease on each seal when installing the new seals. Grease the hell outa the spacer and inside the carrier as well.


Simple job.

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Ya its pretty simple compared to most of the shit ive been learning threw this build but I just didnt want to fuck anything up, and learn the right way to remove.. Clymer manual says nothing.





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EDIT: SIMPLE MY ASS! I Can not get these bearings out.. even fabricated a longer rod and ground the end down like a punch, and like a screwdriver, cut it flat.. and these things will not move. I used a half of can of pb blaster and heated tried heating the shit outa them..


Going to work on it again in a few.. just had to get a beer and say this sucks..

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Haha... well is the swingarm and carrier still attatched to the frame? Much easier to beat on it like that. You can always just cut them out with a dremel and cut off wheel. Just be carfull not to nick the carrier.


But go lift some beers and put them down and put some muscle into beating them out.



Pry the seals out first.

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ok cutting the rod that I fabricated flat... removing swingarm completly and drinking a six pack.. put the purse down and beat it with the hammer I got em out.. im sure the half can of pb soaking for a while helped as well..


Thanks again,



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Ok after cleaning the chain side inside the carrier looks all fucked up.. not from me beating it but on the edge where the cap goes over it.. shit was really worn and now it seems like its chunked all around the inside edge like there was sand and shit getting in there chewing it up..


what to do next? just try to clean it up some and press the new bearing in or what? Also I read somewhere once that your supposed to freeze the bearings before you put the new ones in.. is that bs?


Thanks in advance... again :shootself:



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freexing shrinks metal heating expands metal.


i have used a die grinder to cut out bearings before the front piviot tube ones you pretty much cannot remove with out damaging them. the carrier bearings SOMETIMES you can get them out ok but most time you just have to cut them.

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freexing shrinks metal heating expands metal.


i have used a die grinder to cut out bearings before the front piviot tube ones you pretty much cannot remove with out damaging them. the carrier bearings SOMETIMES you can get them out ok but most time you just have to cut them.


I got em out, luckily didnt have to cut them but I was replacing with new so damage was not a issue. Just fabricated a rod to bang em out with heat and pb blaster.

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You're doing the swingarm pivot bearings right? Or the axel carrier bearings? <_<


Pivot Bearings.

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