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Best sand tires for front and rear

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Hi I just bought an 02 banshee. Planning on taking it out onto the dunes when the weather gets nice. My question is what are peoples preference for sand tires ? Seems like everyone likes 'haulers' I had geckos on my last atv and stock front tires but that was years ago.


As for mods to the bike it's totally stock but at some point I wouldn't mind doing toomeys and re jetting it. I think that's about all I would do to the engine. I'd also like to be advised on what size tires to get. Thanks guys

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Hi I just bought an 02 banshee. Planning on taking it out onto the dunes when the weather gets nice. My question is what are peoples preference for sand tires ? Seems like everyone likes 'haulers' I had geckos on my last atv and stock front tires but that was years ago.


As for mods to the bike it's totally stock but at some point I wouldn't mind doing toomeys and re jetting it. I think that's about all I would do to the engine. I'd also like to be advised on what size tires to get. Thanks guys


if you can find a nice set of sand skate II i would run those. best dunning tire made IMO. sand tire unlimited stop making them so finding them is kinda of rare if you find a dealer that has them they will tell you there not allowed to sell them as there warranty tires so ebay and craigslist are your friends for these tires. also another tire it the ITP Sand star. i have personally ran both of these and i like both but i would totally recommend teh ss II if you can find them. i would only run haulers if you plan on just dragging up the hill or down the drags. JMO. same with the fronts. the sand stars dual ribs are good but the sand tire unlimited razors are the ultimate front sand tire IMO take a look at my pic in the sig and thats what they look like, really balloony tire, floats and doesnt dig comes right up on plane like a boat in the water. use them with a wider rim and you will love them.

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if you can find a nice set of sand skate II i would run those. best dunning tire made IMO. sand tire unlimited stop making them so finding them is kinda of rare if you find a dealer that has them they will tell you there not allowed to sell them as there warranty tires so ebay and craigslist are your friends for these tires. also another tire it the ITP Sand star. i have personally ran both of these and i like both but i would totally recommend teh ss II if you can find them. i would only run haulers if you plan on just dragging up the hill or down the drags. JMO. same with the fronts. the sand stars dual ribs are good but the sand tire unlimited razors are the ultimate front sand tire IMO take a look at my pic in the sig and thats what they look like, really balloony tire, floats and doesnt dig comes right up on plane like a boat in the water. use them with a wider rim and you will love them.


Yeah those front tires are exactly what I want.


What are peoples opinions on the geckos ?

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Yeah those front tires are exactly what I want.


What are peoples opinions on the geckos ?



geckos are for people that are on a budget or they just never go to the dunes but once in a while, heavy and fall apart from what i hear. if its all you ride i would buy ITP's or even try skat trak's v paddle. i havent tried them but always wanted too. sucks cause i just sold a brand new set of sand skate II on new rims. Sold my banshee.

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I would never buy a molded tire for the rear, or v paddles, they are a waste of money in my opinion. I say at least a Skat trak hauler for the rear, and a single ribbed front tire like the kenda dune runner.


X2 Molded rear tires are a waste of money. Skat trak is the only way to go for the rear. Up front stockers work fine. Single ribs work good so do baldies. I have not noticed too much of a difference between the three.

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Your tire choice depends on the riding you do and the consistency of the sand there. I like my Sand Skate II's and run them 99% of the time I'm riding at Glamis, then I bolt on the 21x12x8 8 paddle Haulers to race at the Sunset Drags on Gecko Rd. I can't wait to take them off for general riding.....

Haulers are the preferred tire of choice in Oregon because tree shots and sand consistency are different then SoCal....from what I hear.


The guys that think you should run baldies are only thinking of dragging....because they suck for duning. They are a great straight line tire.

You can use 'em, but a nice single rib tire is the cats meow. I use the Sand Tires Unlimited front....lightest tire I've ever seen.

Up front, light is right!!

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Scat-trac Mohawks on the front then Haulers or Extremes on the rear. We have PILES of molded V-tires sitting looking for buyers, (they end up as loaner tires for people who have never gone duning before) because we all started out doing the Sand star type thing and quickly figure out the V paddle is a heavy waste. I've even tried the Scat-trac "EDGE" V-style and still prefer the straight blade tires. Geckos are the WORST tire EVER. I'd sooner run a knobbie. But I guess if your fun of choice is just doing U-turns on the dunes and throwing roost, maybe a V-tire is a perfect fit.

If your going with a single rib tire and don't like a Scat-trac fronts. I'd recommend the classic "Sand Tires Unlimited" single rib RAZOR BACK tire with a 7" wide rim.

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It totally depends on the riding you do like Jay said. I went to Glamis and rode with Jay and have never ran anything but haulers and love them here in Oregon but if I was going to ride at Glamis again I would take a set of V-paddles for sure. Geckos Sucks donkey balls in my opinion. But thats just me

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