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just out of curiosity


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just wondering if any of you guys have ever had the nuts holding the cylinders to the case come loose on ya. i have had them do it twice, once was my fault. i installed a cub set up and started it and put it on the trailer. lasted about an hour then the cylinders loosened up and i got a real nice air leak. the second time it broke the front inner studs off both happed about a year apart on bitch weekend. and of course i get to listen to all the girls go, mike your banshee is a big ol piece of shit. since then i got lock bolts and i just carry a 12 mm wrench with me, and check them every once and a while. just wondering if you guys ever have this happen too?

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well i torque the nuts i can get a socket on, i know you can only get a shaved down 12 mm wrench on the inside front ones, makes it kinda hard to figure the torque. i do also put some blue locktight on them. now that i switched to lock nuts i dont think il have a problem. i was just wondering if any one else has ever had this problem before. it was kinda crazy the last time it happend i ran it a whole week at st anthonys, not problem. then a hour into it on my home turf in walden, boom lost my nuts. (and that aint any fun). but like i said i was just wondering if anybody has also had this happen.

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