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Removing A-arms


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So I was taking off my A-arms to paint them this weekend and I had my bike over at a friends house to work on it because I no longer have a garage. I didn't bring ALL of my tools with me so I was working with what I had. I was trying to pop the ball joints and those freaking things were stuck in there good. I left my pickle fork at home so I just knocked them out with a hammer.


Finally got em to bust loose took them home and spent about 4 hours sanding them and painting them with truck bed liner. Took them back over there last night to put them on and started threading the nuts back on and realized the entire fucking ball joint was spinning. So I apparently broke the shit out of 3 of the 4 A-arms and now I have to go spend a few hundred more on replacing them.


I just thought I would post something up about it so no one else makes a dumb newbie mistake like I did. Just more proof that if you don't have the right tool for the job then go get the right damn tool so you don't have to go out and drop more money to replace the shit.



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haha you didn't break 'em. That's how they're designed. You can try the ratchet strap idea or just pop the ball joint down into the knuckle with a rubber hammer and see if that'll keep it from spinning when you put the nut on. And use an impact if you have one seems to work for us

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