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people can be so dumb

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i was lookin around on youtube today and came across this video...

i have definatly seen this before more than once... funny thing is i happened to scroll down teh page and read some of the posts that people have put about this video and can do nothing but laugh... so many people put comments on this video that obviosly have no idea what is goin on :shoothead:

hear is one of the comments that was posted there

"well duh the raptor is faster. even if it wasnt turbo its still has a 300cc advantage. which is around 20-25 more hp"

:blink: wow that is one hell of a fast stock raptor hahah :shrug: \

"lmao idiot. 2 strokes have more power and speed because they can run over twice the four strokes speed. four strokes are slow and weak. the only reason the raptor won is because the turbo adds how much fucking power? and its 300ccs bigger. the banshee is only stroked. meaning its piston rod is made longer. stfu if you dont know anything."

:banghead: shit like this is the reason people kill themselves riding because they dont know anything bout atvs let alone how to ride...

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haha i got to admit it i give some people hell in the comments. but i dont sound like these jackass's. "the banshee shoulda have took it on the take off, thats what there good at" i chewed some asshole out for taking a bad shot on a deer and not finding it tho. he ended up taking his vid off

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate people like that also... 350cc vs 700cc, etc... Just like those damn people who brag up their ricers! "Oh I can beat a Camaro" But what they forget is that they have to drop about 5,000 - 10,000 to do it! People are tards anymore! I don't brag whatsoever other than how fun Banshees are to ride. Isn't that supposed to be the point anyways? FUN!!!


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