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Everything posted by evil

  1. evil


    and dirtrider, please just drink the fucking coolaid and head for planet nevergotnopussy and be gone with yourself.
  2. evil


    im not here for the bitch session, im here for tats, bring your sorry ass to cali and hang out with us poor white trash kids, we got a place for you to stay, i know a shitload of hookers that would love to hook up with you and a job wouldnt be too hard to find around here. theres tons of room for all your shit, except the chevy, that goes on the street and were all here for you. hit me up if you need anything. even if i have to go pick you up, hell ill even bring you a bomb ass whit trash hooker, a fat ass jack and coke and we can give the x a final piece out
  3. i wouldnt spend the extra money on one ever again. i did get one on my 150, and everything that took a shit, like the starter and thats about it happened in the factory warranty period, hell i figured if im going to break it im going to do it before the factory warranty is up. abuse your shit man, get your moneys worth out of the factory warranty.
  4. i got a turbo gremlin, a maxx wedge pacer and a hot rod pinto. want some ?? anyone have a pic of my old vette ? i dont have one anymore on the pc.
  5. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha not the first time i heard that
  6. well, i love their products and "at one time" did like the people they had there and the work was awsome. it was done by guys that cared about what they were doing and had a knack for it. it has since turned to shit in say the last 2 years. their work quality has gone to shit, their employees are all dumbasses and their customer service is crap. i think the shop has seen its time, but the products can carry it on for awhile. just my thoughts on it i wouldnt even let their mechanics change the spark plug on my lawnmower.
  7. thats a goddamn good point there 370, why is he still here.
  8. just smoke a bowl and youll forget all about it, then pop in the ill never smoke weed with willie again and have a new song in your mind
  9. evil


    dont waste a jalapeno fighting, eat it
  10. yeah because if it was it wouldnt of came apart like that
  11. evil


    thats not a blaze of glory nasty, better be a fast knife thrower
  12. dammmm it i must have lost all the oldies, but i do have the poopie poker video still, anyone have the one of him on the bigwheel ?
  13. You can make a turbo noise by both humming and whistling at the same time. Think about how you would imitate a vaccuum, a space ship or nay like a horse. I'll do it next time we meet. call me i have to hear it
  14. lets see,,, the longest ive owned any vehicle before tearing out to completly customizing it was 1 day (my 250) i have to match, my shoes match everything, im not a sneaker pimp like tats but im around 140 pairs of shoes. i dont mind people staring at me like im a circus freak, but when they shake their heads in dismay, it makes me want to kill them. i cant walk around the house unless i have my cell phone, and if it rings, i dont answer it. i also count for no reason at all, im doing it now. constantly make motor reving sounds and try to mimic a turbo whine (i know you do it too boon) thats about all. well all im saying
  15. sweet 89% of the damage was caused by it being a chevy.
  16. ask anyone in dumont how bright my lights were, and keep in mind i had the 35 watt bulbs and stock stator in it out there, not the 200 watter
  17. for now, look at brooks sig, those are my lights. ill post a full size pic here when i get home late tonight or tomarrow.
  18. hey man, im clicking on shit trying to buy some stuff. whens it going to be fully running ?
  19. please do tell where you heard this info. second, yes their are cheaper in price then the qsm arms, but the quality of them is also a hell of alot less then what you would get from a set of qsm arms, i know, seen a set of americans on a raptor buckle under minimal abuse. just food for thought
  20. yeah i agree with jj, think of that too, but if you have one that is easily hidable then its cool, i have a few, and like them, well certain ones, but i can make it look like i have none too.
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