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bansheeman98's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. I havent been on here in years and have gotten four of five in the the last week. Advice for the admin, if they are bots and keep signing up you can stop them. When they sign up if they have to answer a question they will be stopped. ie, what color is the sky?? Johnny
  2. I have a nearly new set of AXOs if anybody is interested. They are size 14, I wore them at Sahara for about one hour one day and couldnt get used to them. I am asking $90 if you need pics or have any questions email me at: johnnyperez1999@yahoo.com Johnny
  3. I have been every year also. This is one of most fun events I have been to and Mark goes out of his way to make this a great event. Anybody that drag races should be there.
  4. Might look into Maxxis 4-Snow. Kinda makes since huh.
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