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Posts posted by Rawnold

  1. I think the issue might be my cable cause I just got back home adjusted it perfectly in the case and then I went up to the perch and made it all the way tight so that it wouldn't have too much slack and I realized the more out I pulled the perch adjusted the better my clutch got.. it seems to work properly when the perch is screwed off and I pull on it to give the lever some tension so I'm assuming my cable is over stretched? I'll be hitting up some local shops tomorrow to see if they got a replacement cable... before I do that anyone got anything else in mind that could be my issue? 

  2. %5BIMG%5Dhttp://i66.tinypic.com/efl1kw.jpg%5B/IMG%5D

    that is with clutch not being held

    This is with clutch held all the way in




    its like the cable is too long and doesn't pull on it enough?? There is a lot of slack on my clutch lever it is not all the way out and solid

  3. Thanks for the reply, glad to become a member. Just bought this she used almost a week ago and pretty much rode it for 30 minutes before I started noticing issues. Got a pretty good price for it so that isn't the worry. My issue with the clutch is that when I have the arrows aligned on the actuator and tighten the retention bolt to hold it, I go to pull the clutch and it's almost loose, I adjust the lever all the way till there's barely any slack and all that does it allow some tension and it only moves the actuator like a cm past the arrow, if even a cm.

    Could I be in need of a new cable? Might it be the lever? I have no clue what else to do. I have swapped clutch hubs because the old hub had a screw stripped in there which didn't allow me to insert one of the spring & bolts for the pressure plate. So even now with all 6 bolts in there still having the same issue.

  4. Just picked up an 03 banshee I took it to a buddy's house and he told me the actuator (on top of the engine) needs to be aligned with the two arrows when handclutch is not being pulled and mine was all the way to the left and pretty much matched arrows when I pulled the clutch. Clutch was a little stiff and not smooth so he told me to open up my case and check it out in there. So I did but when I screw the adjuster in there, it doesn't move my actuator, and when it does it barely moves it. What's worse is that now the outer plate (the one that holds all clutch plates together) is now spinning on me instead of being held in place and actually moving the whole gear. Is this normal?? Please help!! What's the right way to have my clutch and how do I do it??

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