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Posts posted by Rawnold

  1. 29 minutes ago, special06shee said:

    Try bleeding the brakes. If that dont work you might have to rebuild the master cylinder.

    Tried bleeding, pumped it about 10 times and nothing came out. I'll look up some vids on rebuilding the cylinder. The pedal feels like there's no pressure in brake

  2. So I took home a quad that didn't have a pedal. The brakes were supposed to be working but it was just missing the pedal. So I purchased one and installed it but it doesn't do anything when I push it down. Is there another step I am supposed to do sort of activate it? Or what are some things I should check? Calipers don't move at all when I push the pedal

  3. So just got back home and it's doing the same thing. It's like every time I take off on it real fast the clutch goes to shit.. I have to pop it into gears without using the clutch cause even if I pulled it, you can feel the engine still going like nothing happened.. until clutch randomly pops back in and then I can shift normally again.. what's happening?? I notice the acceleration gets a bit weird when the clutch goes out.. Anyone??

  4. So just got back home and it's doing the same thing. It's like every time I take off on it real fast the clutch goes to shit.. I have to pop it into gears without using the clutch cause even if I pulled it, you can feel the engine still going like nothing happened.. until clutch randomly pops back in on 1st or 2nd gear. Then I can shift normally again.. what's happening??

  5. 42 minutes ago, ginger said:

    do you have the correct number of friction and steel plates in the clutch?  if i had it all ripped appart, i would have put a pancake bearing in there, so you dont have to worry about the ball seizing.  


    as for throttle sticking, does the cable move freely, and does it have any sharp kinks in the cable or is it all smooth curves? 

    I thought pancake was for high hp builds at least that's what my buddy told me. But I have 7 big and 6 little plates. Started with a big ended with a big. & the cable is smooth & no kinks or something like that it feels even a little stiff but besides that and the bit of free play it works fine

  6. So I just came back from the first ride since I opened up my case to adjust the clutch. And I noticed a few things. My throttle is kinda sticking at times, I'm gonna have a buddy check that out. & now my clutch is working decently, not perfectly at all, still wasn't able to get it feeling right. But it rides. So I took it out warmed it up started ripping it and sometimes not every single time but once every 5 mins my clutch would go completely soft on me during 4th and 5th gear. After that I'm pretty much shifting with no clutch and engine breaking because my clutch is completely gone. Pull up back into my yard  and clutch starts working again, so I go back out, and same thing. What could be going on? How can I get my clutch working right? Soon im gonna swap levers to see if that helps.. but what else??

  7. Thanks to all of you for all the help, just got the quad started. As weird as this is gonna sound I had to swap slides on the cable I guess they were reveresed? I never took them off when I took the caps off the carbs, I put them to the side of the pipes and I couldn't have flipped the caps because you can tell how the cable has resistance when you flip them and flush when they're set right. But anyways I got them in properly now and the quad fired right up.. awesome feeling!! But now I notice that my thumb throttle still has some free play at first, if I were to guess I'd say about 20 or 30% of my throttle is soft before you feel it actually have the tension. Is that something I can adjust? Or is it something else?

  8. Appreciate the replys,  if I'm not mistaken I'm on a 270 or 370 in right now.. I think stock is 210 or 310?


    Also all my hoses are good and I did carbs one by one so the bowls on there properly (good to know about that little dot though). When I remove the pods and hit the throttle nothing happens up until the last part of the throttle (like it's loose) then all that happens right before wot is my needle comes up a bit. Is my carb slide supposed to drop down all the way or does it stay suspended and just the needle comes down?


    i have cpi's the quad had airbox before but no filter. I'll be taking it to a buddy of mine he said he knows how to tell if it's running lean or rich but I think it would be good for now without changing jets right?

  9. Just inspected it a little more and I notice that on the right carb throttle cable the little rubber on top of the cap is damaged and I could actually pull some of the cable out. Could this be why my throttle is soft? Do I need a new cable or do is that a simple fix? Like maybe it fell off the retainer or something and now the cable is loose on that side? 

  10. So I was recently messing with the clutch and adjusting it, there is a previous thread on that I didn't manage to fix it 100% but I got it going as best as I could and I put it back together. While my case was open I took the opportunity to repair my carbs since they were leaking gas.. out the carbs back together with some new filters I just ordered directly on the carbs no airbox, I took the one that came on the quad off.

    Now I go to pull the throttle and it is soft almost all the way to the end but right before it hits the WOT position you feel it actually open the throttle. Could it be I placed the throttle top on the carbs on wrong? The bike isn't starting up 


  11. 1 hour ago, hoppedupandcutdown said:

    Does it have 1 (not 0, not 2) thrust washers between  basket and hub?

    Sometimes the oil will stick them on and it's hard to tell.

    A Clymers manual would be invaluable for you, I'm certain that alone would help you figure this out.

    That being said, be careful taking it somewhere, "motorcycle mechanics" are NOT necessarily Banshee mechanics

    I'll get my ands on that manual soon, not too sure it would help me out right now though.. by taking it to someone I meant my boy, he's pretty experienced with breaking these shees open and putting them back together like nothing. Hopefully he can spot my issue. I haven't gotten behind the basket, but the hub did have one washer behind it that I put on when I swapped the hub.. I was talking to someone at a dealership & they meantioned a washer behind my basket by something called a "clutch boss" that if it's missing that might be my issue, but I heard of this after I tightened the new hub on.. & getting that thing off and back on tight was a pain since I don't have an impact driver.


    hopefully I don't have to tear into it like that again as I doubt it's something internal like that at this point.. plus I already closed her up and poured oil & coolant in, everything looked nice in there. All 6 screws are on good one spring is being compressed more than another but it's because it's longer I'm guessing it's a heavy duty spring, figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal.. I was missing 2 springs and screws and my buddy gave me 2 off his spare motor


    at this point I've pretty much done everything I can. I don't think I've left any stone unturned 

  12. 11 hours ago, camp0429 said:

     You may have already mentioned this but have you checked your perch/lever? Is anything bent? Lever possibly wore out or maybe cracked where your cable goes in? If you have everything put together correctly it almost sounds like your not getting enough "throw". You said this is a new to you bike so are you sure the clutch and everything is together right? Is it possible somebody has a wrong bolt in the adjuster?

    It's a possibility, I'm on a trip right now.. much needed that banshee was just giving me a little too much trouble. Checked everything and everything looked pretty good. I got the quad used so it's possible some things weren't put together right. But I got as far as swapping the clutch hub and that hasn't changed a thing for me. New cable, added 2 screws/springs I was missing. Got a new ball, didn't need it. I just did the adjustment to the best I could with arrows aligned on top of the case and perch screwed all the way out for most tension and I filled her up with tranny fluid before I left. I will try firing her up when I get back and see if the actual function of the clutch has improved.. which I highly doubt.


    If not I will take the quad to someone with more experience, since I pretty much have no other choice.

  13. 13 hours ago, trickedcarbine said:

    Buy a Clymer manual. Their procedure works every time. 

    About to, since I keep hearing about it and the quad didn't come with a manual. But I don't think it would help me right now. I'm not doing anything wrong, something is wrong with the quad itself..


    but all 6 of my screws and springs are in nice and tight. 

  14. Yeah I hold it towards me as I adjust the bolt on the clutch cover side. I get it aligned but when it is aligned my clutch is still pretty soft. I adjust the perch so it picks up that slack but my clutch still feels soft and has unnecessary free play and the cable feels loose when the clutch lever is relaxed I can actually pull the cable to pick up the slack from the lever. Like if the cable doesn't have enough tension. 30 degrees was a rough estimate. It I know my clutch isn't right because I can feel it when I grab it. My cable and lever feels right when I screw that adjust past the point I should and the actuator is sitting far back that's when it "feels" better but it really isn't because the actuator goes even less past the arrow when I pull it.


    if I could post videos and pics I would by the iPhone takes huge size pics 

  15. I got it out, turns out I had 2 balls in there back to back I guess I couldn't see it when I was looking in there, got my rod out, was a little worn on one end with a bit of an indent seemed to be from the ball. Stuck the clean side back in first, popped a ball in clutch plate went in like is should, but now I'm back to where I was. When I line up the actuator my clutch is really soft and barely moves it so when I screw out my perch all the way almost till it's comepletely out it picks up some tension but still not enough to get that actuator moving past like 30 degrees.


    am I gonna need someone with more experience to tear this shit apart? Or does anyone know a fix?


    (I'm thinking if I can get a longer perch for my lever so that it pulls my clutch cable out even more then it should work properly. Cause all it needs is a little more tension) but I know it shouldn't be like this.. especially when I just put in a new cable 

  16. 2 hours ago, Ayesully810 said:

    Where did u get the ball from? U sure its the righ size? Also did u put a magnet in there and pull ur push rod out to double check evrything 

    Got the ball from a local dealership I got it by part number and they said it was that one. It fits in there perfectly up until the point where it won't go further. The furthest back I got it was by taking the cable off the actuator arm and letting it sit all the way back and even then the pressure plate still needed a tad more to go in right


    e- if I stick a magnet in there I'll probably get the ball out, but you're saying I could also grab a pushrod from in there with a magnet?? I'm gonna give it a go again tmrw so any help before then would be great

  17. 2 hours ago, hoppedupandcutdown said:

    Get a magnet and pull the rod and maybe a ball or 2 out, see if they're in good shape


    What do you mean a ball or two? I looked inside before I purchased a new one and I didn't see a ball I just saw the round groove where there should be a ball. The ball I just got is brand new

  18. So guys just got back home put the ball in and now my pressure plate won't go in!! My actuator is sitting all the way back, loosened up my perch completely, it's like the ball wont go in all the way. When I pull the actuator the ball pushes out but not all the way out of the hole.. what's going on? Fuck this is turning into a real headache

  19. That's the video I've been following. I just got back swapped clutch cables and adjusted it again in the case to line up the arrows but when I go to pull the clutch it's really soft and barely moving the actuator. So when I pull all the slack on the perch out so that it's almost screwed off it's still not enough tension to pull that actuator like it should.. & the pressure plate barely moves out when I pull the clutch too.. what else can it be guys??!!


    e- when the arrows are lined up the adjuster bolt is really soft, like it's barely screwed in, could this be my issue? If so what's the fix

  20. 2 hours ago, Ayesully810 said:

    If ur cable has to be completely unscrewed from ur perch for it to be in correct adjustment, try a new cable.  But obviously when you have it screwed completely all the way in while you adjust your clutch, you have to unscrew it quite a bit to get it back to proper adjustment

    Yeah I've seen the videos for them everything just works like it's supposed to lmao. But I will try finding a new cable tomorrow and post the results. Appreciate the help fellas

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