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Everything posted by captintrade

  1. i ride track and trails and i had head milled .020 (research this) and stator plate on +4 and i cant explain the difference it made and stator plate is 35 bones and i got my head milled for free brother works at machine shop
  2. well its been a while but banshee is fixed new stator (china one from ebay lol) and adjustible stator plate set on +4 cylinders i removed casting flaws and put a slight chamfer on the ports for a little better flow and after a seriously long math equation and measuring with calipers i found a drill bit and drilled my stock jets to a 250 main equivelent and i changed her look to the 1988 color scheme (to match my seat haha) i <3 krylon fusion this stator has been surprising me im learning how to rewind them and starting to under stand them better and by my little knowledge its worked perfect and seems well made
  3. thanks everybody it was blue but it has stress marks and my heat gun couldnt get them completely out but heres more pics i had on phone lol < head milled and cleaned this made a huge difference i reccomend doing this haha < plastidip fun lol (peels off if you dont like it)
  4. whats up people haha i finally got a banshee but heres the short story of trading laptop > 94 integra > raptor 660 > 98 r6 > 89 lt250r > 03 yz250f > 03 z400 > yfz450r > BANSHEE! haha well i got it finally i had no problem tradin the 450 ive been wanting a banshee but i wanted a bone stock one and thats what i got but a dog had chewed the fenders no problem little trim good as new and a buddy just got r2 pipes and sold me his fmfs (i know your probly readin this lol i start workin at advance in a few)and i decided to check the topend and mill the head down .020 and my brother is makin me some reed spacers at his shop (makin bigass spacers pics when done dont judge i know what im goin haha) but waitin on a stator (mine killed its self) but since im waiting i got a few cans of krylon fusion and i really liked the 96 colors so i did my own ant this paint is tough i can grab my fenders and twist them and no cracking or chipping so tell me what yall think thats how glossy it is dry
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