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  1. that would be my guess to " Full Flights" mine have done really well glws
  2. Do you think a 10in wide tire would be worth the savings in weight compared to the traction advantage of a 11in wide tire? Stupid question but curious to see what you all think.
  3. They look really good. Don't know why my 360 ain't drowning it out..
  4. I know a few people on here have ran there serval with stock carbs and im curious what jetting you guys used? Right now im set at 360 main 27.5 jet middle on the needle i have t5 stock airbox K&N with no lid sotck reeds at 946 ft above The jetting feels really good only get a slight bog in low rpms in 6th i have 340's but i dont think i need to go leaner but temps havent got to hot yet either it been around 70-75.
  5. My Full Flights a arms and tie rods are great. They seen a lot of thrashing to. Holding up really good!
  6. If the exhaust hanger is for the front and is in good shape i want it.
  7. it would be a waste of money if you doing the rebuild at the end off this yr? and I for sure didn't baby the shee in those 2 yrs.
  8. I ran mine at 155psi with stock crank for 2 yrs had no problem. But I guess its better to be safe then sorry. Up to you!
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