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Posts posted by n2otoofast4u

  1. I was not privy to this "BS beer" when I flew out. I stopped at Walmart and bought a cooler and a case of beer for each day, plus one to supplement for my sharing. I remember waking up in that dump of a cabin, opening a beer, and starting the day. Tyler told me every morning what a dipshit I was for drinking that early. Blah blah. Well by the time Yaris night ends I'm out of fucking beer! THANK GOODNESS FOR BURKE!! The next morning he asks if I need anything from town....YES BEER!!! He was very willing to help and brought back some reserves. By the end of the deal I was robbing beer from Koolaid because I was out again! Not gonna lie, I was pretty well drunk from the time I boarded the plane, until the time I got home but I drank a metric fuck ton of beers that week! Was never really hammered, just good and drunked up (I think. I'm sure others will say otherwise)...... I vividly remember Ryan taking pulls off a bottle of clear and thinking that he was gonna be DOA in the morning, but that SOB survived!

    I'm in a good place this year as far as being able to get away, but this is only 5 days before I am gone for 12 in AZ so it's just not going to play out.

    Moral of the story. If you're a drinker, bring twice what you think is enough!

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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  2. [shrug] tim wanted out
    Good enough reason for me! (Nice attempt at the shrug from PS days)
    Yes very much so.. Shaun and Susan are good people. They have been in this game for along time. They just don't advertise or do the Internet social media crap. 
    100% agree. They are legit folks, been in the mix for years.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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