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Everything posted by MacRacer1

  1. MacRacer1

    Wtb drag pipes

    Those are huge! Or they look huge in the picture.
  2. MacRacer1

    Wtb drag pipes

    Those are also for a huge motor, a 4 mil will be much smaller.
  3. MacRacer1

    Wtb drag pipes

    Gonna pay a pretty price for them, just be ready.
  4. I'll have a set in a week or so up for sale
  5. MacRacer1

    Wanted List

    And a billet intake for them.
  6. MacRacer1

    Wanted List

    I'll have a set of 28mm pwks up for sale in a week or so if you still need them then.
  7. I don't think boxcar is $55 a night for a half hookup or dry camping spot? By the time you run your generator and burn 5 gallons of fuel you basically just burnt up the savings. Boxcar is way better than horsfall beach. You don't get as much wind, the cops love horsfall campground they do daily sound checks and the spots suck.
  8. That's about what they cost new... Unless it's show chrome
  9. That's fair to me. I picked up a decent at best set for $400
  10. He also said stocks... Pretty sure a lot of people would trade stock ugly ass plastics for some fullbores...
  11. Hahaha. Yes you do, friends with money are the best friends you can get lol
  12. Hahaha. My buddy uses 110 so I just "borrow" his...
  13. Interesting, I've heard of that oxygenated fuel making a lot of hp, but didn't know it made more than alky. But it's expensive, runs hotter, and is probably harder to find. I could be wrong, but I like alky haha
  14. Why drag race and not run alky? The only draw back is extra consumption but if it's strictly a track bike I don't see any problem?
  15. Hahahaha. Not 80#... 150# lol
  16. Dave you gonna have your pile of shit ready this summer? I wanna see how your supercub does against a little 4 mil cub
  17. Dam this thing just got put together... GLWS
  18. Maybe you should've clarified big guy
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