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    Portland, Oregon

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    97 black yellow and silver shee fmf gold pipes power core 2 silencers K&N filter no lid 27.5 pilots 280 mains

lodown's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. I will take the coil. Do you have a stock oem stator?
  2. where do i find an OEM one?
  3. what is the best replacement stator to use?
  4. I think my stator died. I get no ohms reading between the red and green wires on the stator. Why would the stator die? My shee doesnt have spark now and i have been checking everything. I think one spark plug boot is shot too. only one will ohm out.
  5. Thanks i will give that a try.
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