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Everything posted by swhitey917

  1. ok good thats what i thought i just wasnt for sure and wanted to make sure i wasnt getting into something over my head
  2. man i send my best wishes out to your boy. I am only 17 so im around his age. hope for the best man
  3. sounds like it was very painful man.... glad you got your banshee and yourself up and running again and good luck this time around
  4. damn are you serious? that sucks... lol... :biggrin:
  5. i have a j-arm banshee and i am wanting to convert it over to an A-arm banshee. The question i have is if i buy an A-arm frame will everything bolt right up off the j-arm frame or is there any moding or adjustments that need to be done?
  6. man those wickeds are sweet... where did you pick them up at?
  7. I am thinking about changing the colors on my banshee and i am in a little struggle. I cant decide on weather to go with all black plastic and a red radiator cover or all black plastic and a blue radiator cover....What do you all think and if you have a bike like this can you post some pics...
  8. swhitey917


    Does anyone know a good brand of +2 A-arms that i can buy that will not cost me a whole lot. i don't have much money and I'm trying to mod my banshee a little at a time.
  9. thanks dragbanshee for the pics. thats for sure what colors im going with... it looks awsome.. nice quad.. is that maier plastic on your quad or is it something else. the shine on it is really nice.
  10. I am thinking about making my banshee all black with a blue radiator cover.. does anybody have this done and if so please show pics.
  11. I have a 1990 banshee (j-arm frame) and im wanting to convert it to an a-arm banshee.. I need a A-arm frame... Does everything line up right and is there any troubles that switching the frames is going to cause...ie problems im going to run into....I also am looking for some pipes for my banshee...im looking for a set of toomey T5 or some DMC or something. but anything in nice shape at a resosable price would be fine....please help me out
  12. Im ordering new plastic for my 1990 Banshee here soon but i can't decide on what color scheme i want to got with. I want to either go with the whole quad one color or the front and rear fenders one color and the tank and rad. cover another. Can you guys send pics of what you have so i can get an idea of what color i want to make my banshee.
  13. How much for the A-Arm Frame shipped to 47862
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