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Posts posted by grizzly700

  1. Thinking of stepping up from my blaster myself. What do you think of the differences in the way they ride?


    my friend has a blaster with a pipe and some other stuff. my shee just has pods,28mm pwk carbs, +4 timming and t-5's and i leave him outta the hole and 4-5 quads by 5th gear and then hes toped out and i still have 6th gear! lol shee r major league. blasters r kiddy stuff. lol no offense :biggrin:

  2. if your just looking for a more down low power, i would just recomend an adjustable timing plate, maybe a coolhead with small domes, low end pipes like pro circuit or FMF's or something like that. maybe u could just change ur gearing. if u wanna spend alot u could just get a trail port and/or stroker crank and shit. all depends on how much money you want to spend. i would say these would be cheaper and less of a PITA than a RZ topend with PV's.

  3. Why don't you take your bumper off your grizz if you don't like them?


    i was thinking about running into your face with it. if thats you in your sig then u are pretty ugly and in your world it would be ok for me to smash your face since I think u are ugly. also i run over 3-4 inch diameter trees wen i make paths through my woods so it comes in handy. man where is loco wen u need his smartass remarks to shut this fool down?! lol


    LOCO oh LOCO!

  4. then i'll get go my ford 4x4 with 35inch tires on it, and wait for you to shut down your grizz 700, then run it and you over


    I'm sure a 4.500 pound ford 4x4 is no match for a 800lb grizz awith a 200pound turd on it :evil:



    haha its a ford. itll prolly break down. but thats a diff story. how r u gonna get to ur ford? walk. lol i will be long gone by then. or i would just climb the most monstrous hill around and watch u flip ur ford trying to get to me!! lol this is too much.


    either way neone who is willing to damage another persons property just because u dont like the way it looks is a fuckin douche in my book. its not urs why do u care wwat it looks like? i dont care if my friends had rainbow colored banshees and wore scarfs while they rode. its not affecting me one bit. im done

  5. if some jackfuck shitbucket stopped in front of me on purpose just to damage my shit. i would go get my grizz and wait till he shut his shit off and then just run his shit over with him on it!!! then i would back up and do it repeatedly and tell them how gay their shit looked. im sure a shee is no match for and 800lb grizzly.


    just my thoughts. maybe i have an anger issue? lol

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