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Posts posted by OKCterror

  1. ok so if my shee is running rich, my headers(near tha bottom) will turn yellow,and when does it turn blue!??? sorry didnt meant 2 steal tha post just curious



    sa3ood :evil:


    if you have chrome pipes it will usually be shortly after the yellow. My buddies cpis went from mild yellow to a cool lookn blue, then he got the right jets and there fine. He just did it for the color. Weirdo.

  2. dude i know just how you feel. I slipped a disk 2 weeks ago and tore 2 tendons in my lunbar, then went riding at the dunes too complicate matters. Havent been able to walk until 2 days ago. Havent rode either, just stared at it and wondered lol. Be another month till i get to ride and ill have to be super carefull

  3. Im pickn up a hybird 250 this week to use as a pit bike/easy ride back and forth to the showers and shops at little sahara OK. Anyone ever heard of them. Traded it for my old pooltable i had laying around. Just need some info. Not going to mod it or anything. Wont even put more tha 20hrs in it over the next season.

  4. oh yeah. ive gone to acouple shops. Phils, Brians, Jones Offroad, Maxys, Baker Boys, and some no names and ive only liked a few of them. Im a diesel tech by trade but im starting to do alot of my own repairs. It just sucks since i work graveyard and then do my HONEY-DO's lol.

  5. Hey all my oklahoma people, im currently between shops at the moment. Not going to say why...caugh caugh... people screwing me over. But the other day i went to El Reno OK and visited phils cycles. It was Banshee heaven.lol. What shops in ok are good reputable shops? No name dropping for the bad ones out of respect to their business. Help a shee owner out. Need to find a good tuning and parts shop in OK.

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