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2/2 many banshees

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Everything posted by 2/2 many banshees

  1. we need to see some vids of that bitch rip congrats on the winI say we do it again but this time I win lol
  2. hey guys I'm looking for studs for a pro desigin head and a stock cross over let me know thanks Justin
  3. that's a bad year for those the head only had 4 bolts if I rember right after 1988 they went to 5 bolt heads (they keep blowing head gaskets)
  4. thanks JB for a nice set of a arms they will look great on my 2001 I'll post some pics. when it's done you'll be prowd to see those babys on my bitch
  5. every bike is dif. maybe 60 but I hope for you I'm wrong
  6. I have a 2002 I'm going thru a 1996 that is for sale a 2001 raptor a 1999 300 ex a 1987 xr 6000 and 2 1983 cr 250s that's all
  7. Welcome to BansheeHQ a couple of guys on here have used leds and is looked great if I was going to make a light thats how I would go
  8. what's power wings what the F*#! is that?
  9. the dude has 0 feedback good luck (his pic looked nice)
  10. sound like it's the water stay out of it and it's fixed. just playing how deep is the water you are going it what is getting wet?
  11. $1.500.00 are you for real! where do you live I live in Mass a I can't find a banshee that runs for under $2,000.00 man I need to move
  12. lets cut his balls off that bitch don't know who he's F ing with
  13. I'm pretty sure there the same
  14. I'm having my frame powder coated the shop I'm having do it told me about that stuff. I don't kown how good it is. I was thinking of having a few small parts done with it if I do I post something on it.
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