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Wicked Motorsports

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Everything posted by Wicked Motorsports

  1. Personally I like tall skinny tires. The longer foot print will give you better traction over a wide tire but if your running the 1/4 it might kill your top end. Truthfully I think it depends on the numbers your motor produces and where its making the good numbers. I would say try every option available to you if given the chance. event if you have the chance to borrow and set, give it a try. You never kow what might work best for you.
  2. Get "GOOD" light parts, swing arm, rims, a-arms and so on. The chassis diet will get you very close all by itself. Just like lastman said, that way once you start on the motor you will be ready for it. This will also allow you to learn your quad and how it reacts to things on the track. Theres nothing cheap about chassis but its the first step that you should not pass up.
  3. There is no dought about it, the best thing is putting the bike on a diet. All the motor in the world want help you if its strapped to a boat ancor
  4. You've asked a tough question to answer. There is many routes to take but it really ends up with how much money do you want to spend and how fast do you want to go. Street or strip, how much time do you have on the seet and how big are your balls. lol. Give me alittle of that info and I pitch in my fair share of help and do the best I can. 1st couple pieces of advise I have is keep your mind open to what everyone tells you and find 1 builder to get the job done. Reason being is because when 1 guy does it all, when there is a problem, theres only 1 finger to point and normally that takes alot of gues work out of probblem solving. The other is being faithfull will take you along way with the builder you choose. Anyway, give me some info and I'll give you some feedback.
  5. Did I read somewhere that there are new owners at Lakeland. I think it was last year right? What has changed? I know it hooks up good!
  6. Andy, How can you comment that its not what Roger has to say, Its his business. I think he would be the final word. That did not satisfy you when he told you the answers to your questions last time. Give it up dude, we just went through this spill 2 months ago when you called Roger to cry about what I was saying on the furums and he told you to go pound sand then. What would make you think that anything has changed? I have watched you bash wicked on your site long after you banned me, when will you give it up. You have become fixated on bashing wicked since the begining, move on with your life. You dont race, you dont ride, you have a site that is full of controversy that you begin. Everytime someone has a difference of oppinion on your site you blame it on wicked. What is your deal, do you want me to send you a Wicked decal or something, will that make you feel better. You keep going off the deep end time after time, you banned me, then Brian (which was the back bone of the site) then Lastman,,,,,all because they have involvement with Wicked!!!! As for your oppinion stated above, your thoughts are no part of my concern nor will they ever be. I could be wrong but I dont seem to have many problems with any others. You seem to dislike the way that I voice my oppinions, thats your right but stop trying to make it look as if I cause problems with everyone!! Do I represent Wicked? YES! Am I on the payroll? NO! Do I care what you think? HELL NO! Neither does Wicked Motorsports or Roger! WHY? Because of the hundreds of hours we have spent on the intranet, on the road and at our events trying to make it happen for everyone! Your repeated comments of "it's gotta be wickeds way" is as far off as it gets. At anytime I am on the net or any other place I am asking the oppinions of the racers and enthusiasts that are involved. Why? Because it a sport and its for everyone. Your comments are rediculous and you seem to be the only one that agrees with yourself. Just as I replied to Tedder,,,,,,,, I'm done with it but do not ever choose to challenge my dedications in growing this sport for your own personal gain!! OVER!
  7. I agree 100%! I'm moving on. We have ALL worked to hard for to long and allowing things like this to hurt the sport is foolish.
  8. . You can contact Roger at the shop and he will clearly state an answer for all of your questions 1-714-530-2215 He is fully aware of everything that takes place through the forums, we discuss the issues many times per day.
  9. I have no problem dropping the negative posting but I dont agree with your tactics.
  10. Any question about the classes, feel free to ask.
  11. Thanks for the support and we are looking forward to seeing everyone there. By the looks of it the classes are building up much faster than they ever have in the past so we see the pay-outs getting huge!!!!
  12. We already have over 100 entries, dont miss out on the biggest event ever! We have added a 4 stroke Nitrous class also, more can open if the request are made. Thanks, Skip Conder Wicked Motorsports Drag Racing Association wickedmafia@hotmail.com
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