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Everything posted by kskjofire

  1. I dont get mad im lerning from you guys alot, but what happen is i thought i did something wrong instolling the parts, and i am not going to take my 06 to the YAMAHA Shop, I burned first lol
  2. Is this happens to anybody or just me?
  3. Bansh-eman dont get me wrong my banshee runs relly good, but i get mad for those seconds i dont feel that power. maybe it just me the i want more power everitime i ride. What do you think Bro? Thanks for your time Guys
  4. Adjust the needle from 4 clip to 3rd clip?
  5. Thanks Bansh-eman i thought i did something wrong w the Mods
  6. Ok guys My Banshee has like 1 or 2 seconds DELAY to hit the power band. This is my first Shee. Is this normal? O and is happening in 1st and 2 gear. I got 06shee, T6's, VF3, T jet kit, 280 main, clip in the 4 grove, +4 plate, stock carb and 1 1/2 aircrew. THANK GUYS FOR ALL THE HELP. IF I RACE W/my friend that delay is killing me.
  7. Hey GUYS how i sync the SLIDES? (or the carbs) Thanks for helping me
  8. if you are not going to ported your engine, I recomend T6's all the way.
  9. How often you guys clen the FILTERS?
  10. I got the t6 filter the 1 they send me is the 2 stage filter, so can i go up? and howmuch?
  11. Is 280 jets sound ok, im sea level or can i go up. I got T6's, V3, +4 timing plate and i still got my air lid w/like 8 holes.
  12. I just got the feeler gauge. THanks my friend for your time.
  13. Thanks for helping me, i just got the plate from Jeff(F.A.S.T). is not that bad is start w/more kicks, but i think i got to fix the gap and im going to set at .015 or .018. how i do that push the pickup foward?
  14. what happen is taking to long to start after i put the new timing plate an i think is the gap, any help my friend thanks alot.
  15. Hey friends W? is the pick-up gap measurement when you put back the timing plate and how you do it?
  16. Were the case meets(theres a line there)
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