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Posts posted by Bansh88

  1. Dude. May I assume you are not from the U.S.? You English and your quest for MTV style partying has given you up. Thus, you are from Europe. Party there bro. Safer. Central and South America is nothing but trouble.


    All that shit you see on TV is the highlights. If you were to watch a "lowlights" video you would puke and never touch the shores of Mexico. Those TV shows and videos are private parties/events and controled enviroments with Hot Chicks brought in. Not to mention the big camnera and lights make chicks do more stuff. It's all a scam!

  2. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING from the Glamis Beach Store. There is a large boycott beginning with those fucks. They are screwing all the vendors who go out to Glamis during the season. Long story. Just don't go there. Everything you need will be with the other vendors. Whips to ice to sprockets to Tshirts to welding!


    Boycott the Glamis Beach Store!

    Try Boardmanville for lunch or dinner. They have the best Chili Cheese Fries and their beer on tap will F you up! Just ride under the railroad tracks at wash 10.


    While riding anywhere on the flats, be careful of kiddie tracks! Little kids riding in figure 8s and circles cause these big ruts that will yard sale your ass if you hit them.

  3. IO messed with my hubs. Still don't have it just right. I hear if you deflate to a pound or so in one tire, then gun it, it'll move it some. I think it mostly just looks better. If you have a straight paddle like a Hauler or something, i'd definitely try and match them. If all else fails, take it to a tire guy. Darryl Smith if you are in SD

  4. Still planning on getting a set of these T2's. But what about the "bend". They have a Banshee bend and all other quads. What is the difference? I'm 6'5" and would like a taller bar. Which bend has the most height? What should I look for AND will all bends fit the Banshee?

  5. Do NOT go on a Holiday weekend. Not only are the crowds unreal, but the sand is chewed up. Pick a weekend far in between any kinda 3 day weeked holiday. Since you are there for 5 days you will be out mid week which is always the best! 70-80s? that would be November into February. Always warmer any other months.

    To be quite honest, the hottest months are the best to go. No crowds and the best god damn sand you'll see. Winter months have a chance for rain and wet sand sucks.

    Good idea to want to be around some other people "just in case". Especially if it is your first time out.

    If you are looking for the "Glamis you see on videos", camp on Gecko rd. That is where the big names and big parties are. Expect to stay up late. Kinda cool to watch rireworks and idiots wreck in front of your camp.

    I usually camp at the Washes on the other side of the dunes. Someties really dusty but tons of room for a big camping circle. The farther down you go the less people. Biggest problem down there is little kids riding circles for hours at a time. This being because it is a good place for kids to ride around tiny dunes and lots of room to keep an eye on the little ones.

  6. Red Sticker enforcement is about as common as tickets for spitting on the sidewalk.

    Got some pics for later on. Great story too.


    Friends down at Gordons Well saw a dead mexican in the All American Canal

  7. Anyone who's up this weekend, come on over to Pad 3 off Gecko rd. I'll be out tomorrow night all through Sunday. Bunch more heads commin out Friday and Saturday. Everyone is from another website where we bullshit just like here. Feel free to just show up. Jump in line and ride all night. Some great leaders to follow.

  8. The only Sand Mountain we know of out in the Southwest is Sand Mountain, NV. One big dune. Out in the middle of nowhere. I think only "locals" ride it. God Damn Indians and BLM are trying to shut lots of it down due to a butterfly and Bullshit Indian religious beliefs.

  9. Monster garage was OK back when they actually had a budget. Now it's unlimited cost and tons of freebies. The ideas are all used up. Everyone on the show wants to be a character so they can get a TV show next.


    American Chopper makes Frankentein lookin bikes I would let my mother be seen on. TrimSpa bike?! Christams bike?!

    Nothin is ever done right or on time. Just hammin it up for the cameras.



    And for every jagoff wearin an OCC or West Coast Choppers shirt/hat/jacket/sticker: YOU'RE A FUCKIN TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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