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Everything posted by Yama

  1. I know that's the way the world is going, but by all means it wouldn't be a Banshee if they changed the powerplant that drastically. I cringe at the thought of no scream. Obviously an error though.
  2. Thought I did it right, but apparantly not as it was stuck wide open after disconnecting. I'll check it tommorow, but after cleaning again it seems to be ripping just fine, but I still need to test it for a while to see.
  3. Thanks for all the help, will tear her apart tommorow and see what's going on. One last thing, for removing the TORS? Is the elimi kit a must or preffered? Want to do it the right way the first time.
  4. I have the parking brake block off kit but the TORS is still on there.
  5. Anyhow, my first problem in years where I'm a little confused even. Long story short, at the end of a day riding a week ago I hit a small puddle and it splashed up my throttle felt weird. It was super sensative and almost stuck, it's hard to explain even. It was running on one cylinder and I just threw it on the truck and went home. Figured it was the carbs, so I took them off and they were filthy. The good ol' classic airbox at it's best. Anyhow I cleaned them and put them back on, she fired right up and the throttle felt back to normal, no more odd touchiness. So I go riding today and it felt fine for a few minutes, again it was wet out but I avoided too much contact. It did it from what I thought was nothing, so I just rode it out and it eventually stopped. After that it started bogging to the extreme, no power at all but running on both and not dying, proboably topped at 1mph if that - crawling, but running. CHanged the plugs, no go. Then I kept riding in circles at the maximum crawl rate, it started to fire and let out all the smoke and then suddenly felt fine after running it for a few minutes - screaming actually. Figured it just needed to be cleared out yet, but then it happened again. Cutting off while riding, the extreme slow bog again, the touchy thrttle a little towards the end - it was just disheartening really, it was one of those days I just wanted to ride. Anyhow, I brought it back home now and before I even rip anything apart I wanted to see if any of you have had any similar problems? Should I look into new carbs, could it be the reeds? The compression seems fine, I doubt the pistons are screwed, fires up and runs on both. If you definately think it's the carbs, any suggestions? Maybe the 2-1 carb kit? Heard it gives some nice low end without taking away the rest and makes jetting and tuning insanely easy. Any help would be appreciated on how to fix and what to check and if it's a must replace situation, suggestions on parts would be fine. Thanks much all.
  6. Just wondering the process in polishing the right side cover. I have the clutch insert, water pump cover but the surroundings are black, I'd rather it be all silver or better yet polished much like the inserts. Is it a simple paint remove and polish up like any other alumi part or is something special needed, or rather reccommended from someone who has done this already? Thanks for any small tips, just want to do it right the first time.
  7. Haha, I have fun messing with a lot of them on my own forum, Blasters are fun and all... but come on, look at the Yami food chain, the Bansh is the obvious Pops to it. That guy who made Dirtwheels has some sick contraption, I don't even know what to call it anymore. His name on the mini BHQ is Phragel, here is a pic: Thx for the welcome, all seem cool as hell. I'll throw some new pics up of my own Bansh in a few days, lates.
  8. Thanks man, plan to make this one of my few homes for communities on the net. My free time is dwindling with college around the corner, but I find time.. I start with a very free and open schedule. (4/7 days off) It's just the whole moving in and starting that kills my time for now, it'll even out though, not too far from home at all. Thanks for the welcome man.
  9. It just takes a while man, got to wait it out a little while. Chances are it's on there, check the item id #, just hard to find in the regular search fashion for now, usually a day makes it easy to find. Heh, as if e-Bay's prices aren't bad enough, their service is kinda a rip at times too, if it weren't for it's huge userbase.
  10. Hey everyone, though I registered back with the best of you, I don't have much activity on here. Some of you may know me, some may not, cool either way, why I'm making a somewhat introduction thread here. I run BlasterHQ.com, hate it or not, put it aside and it's community, I simply run something that got successfull over time and keep it up to date and looking nice, it's community doesn't exactly symbolize me, the webmaster. I rip around when home from college on a 99' Banshee I got a few years back and have done much work to since, I have done some to it since, but here is an older pic of her: http://blasterhq.com/hosted/b2.JPG Love Banshees and rep em' like hell, always wanted one since my glorious child days, got one and love it. All the 4-strokes coming out lately are nice, can't hate em' all, but their just not a Banshee, the only quad I'll have and love for years to come... just nothing like it, NOTHING. Anyway, enough boring ya' for now.. see you all in the forums, lates.
  11. It looks nice, I think Banshee HQ looks decent enough, just templatish. I e-mailed Lee offering some co-oping in design, to help up the looks of the site, if he bites I'd gladly help.
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