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Everything posted by bradbanshee87

  1. Ok so my banshee is a 87 and when i get the bike wet the throttle climbs and sticks so i used a hose and wet the switches on the bars as well as the carbs and cdi and nothing happened as soon as i sprayed near the coils the bikes throttle stuck so if i went to half throttle it wouldnt come down and the furthur u go the higher it stays revved any idea's?????
  2. we have eliminated tors and put onafter market, reeds and twist thrttle and new clutch and pistons thats all so i dont know why it would have effected the bike now when it ran fine for a while
  3. man my bike has been in the shop for like 11 month now because we ordered a dyna ignition and it wouldnt work in my 87 we bolted and wired it all on but it wouldnt work bike cut out when i snapped the throttle so we sent it back and they sent us another thinkin the one we had got was defective but the second one didnt work either
  4. a stroker kit should give u more torque
  5. sometimes the manufacturers will send an adapter to fit in the clamps to hold onto the bar i have seen them for fat bars
  6. the general rule is if you put a full tank of gas through at a nice slow rev keeping out of the power ban for to long, watch temperature and then one next tank go full out
  7. the general rule is if you put a full tank of gas through at a nice slow rev keeping out of the power ban for to long, watch temperature and then one next tank go full out
  8. i live just 30 mins east of cobourg in Campbellford a small town of about 5000 people and i want a good port job when i get my bike back from the shop it is at right now!
  9. does anyone know of a company in ontario canada that does engine jobs like porting and polish ??? I have heard that bondi is good but i have not yet contacted them
  10. i have already removed tors a long time ago and put in idle screws and the bike ran so well so it has to be the cdi
  11. my 87 banshee has been at the shop for a year now, and the dumb ass mechanic cant figure it out why the bikes spark goes away after the bike first initially fires we have changed the stator,fly wheel and voltage regulator, and tested the coils and plug wires to find nothing wrong, the mechanic said i need a cdi and got one from dyna ignition in california and i live in ontario canada it takes 6 days for the cdi to get here and yet we are not convinced that will fix the problem i dont know what is wrong any idea's???
  12. reed spacers work as a cooler as well by pushin the carbeurator back from the motor it keeps the feul air mixture cooler and more dense allowing more fuel air mixture to enter the cylinder. boyeseen are the way to go!!!!
  13. is there any good after market stators that i could get instead of stock and wy are they better my stator is shot so i am gettin a new one!
  14. is there any after market computers availible for banshee's that would boost performance????
  15. i just took my wheel off to put on new sprockets and the new sprocket doesnt fit!! what is the markings i can look for to see what it should have on it its an 87??
  16. i just put a motion pro twist throttle on my 87 banshee and i removed tors while i was at it, but now my bike back fires when warming up and isnt very snotty comin out of the corners on the track i was thinkin that maybe i didnt time the slides together because that could cause problems right??
  17. On my 87 banhsee i wanna remove the tors unit cause i have heard it is just a giant hassle. when i remove it do i just unplug the sensor wires and leave the wires that go to the ignition there or can i remove them as well so the bike doesnt look as cluttered????
  18. which pipe is the best for my banshee i was thinkin the fmf sst pipe with a pro core 4 silencer or is this a bad idea ?????? any other suggestions???????
  19. i have been reading my dirt wheels and it says that u can update tors instead of removing it when i put my new twist throttle on so which should i do remove it or update it????
  20. how much horsepower does a stock banshee have? was there ever a special edition made that came with more?
  21. when u get new exhaust i heard u need to get ur carbs jetted what does this do to them and why do they do it???? thanks: Brad
  22. thanks guys but one last question what exactly is TORS put on there for i am kinda new at all this my bike is my dads old bike i am only 16 and i wanna race so i need to get some performance stuff any ideas on what else could be put on i am gettin FMF SST pipes next month
  23. what is a TORS removal kit man cause my new throttle come with new tops of the carbs that thread on an adaptor for the cable to go in!! its a motion pro twist throttle what do i do with all the electronic shit that goes with TORS
  24. pipes give u huge amounts of power and i know there are expensive but they will give your bike huge power also try gettin so bead locker rims so u dont get anys slip i have heard they are great wish i had them!!
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