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Everything posted by fel0n

  1. Yeah i saw that lol. When jack was like, "the things a racing machine, goes like 150 mph" haha what a n00b
  2. Holy shit Imagine puttin that into a shee. That would be fuckin crazy
  3. Yeah i had Holeshots, and they worked excellent in the woods.
  4. Yeah i got a tip for ya, fight the mother fucker and learn these "tips" from experience. The best way to learn to fight is by fighting. Sorry if i sounded sarcastic, be sure to tell us about the fight afterwards. Good luck
  5. Your lucky to just come out with a sore back and some bruises. Sounds like a brutal crash. Good thing you had your helmet on.
  6. I think that they are going to keep the warrior, and thats why they aren't gonna call the Raptor 350 the Warrior. You cant have two different quads named the same thing.
  7. Peace man, go over to YFZcentral your not wanted here haha jp nice bike. I'd like to see how that compares to your Pred
  8. What a stupid auction. A fuckin Mountain Dew bottle.
  9. Any idea on the cost of new pegs?
  10. Does anyone know how to tighten footpegs? Mine are extremely loose. I know that loose footpegs are a sign that the bike has been ridden alot. Mine are very wobbly and can be moved up and side to side with no resistance.
  11. Damn thats pretty nice if it was chrome
  12. http://www.yamaha-motor.com/products/atv/m...2/home_vr.html#
  13. fel0n

    Banshee Wanted

    I am looking to buy a Banshee, or any other sport quad, but preferably a Shee. Willing to trade 89' Kx125, BladeZ Moby 40cc gas scooter, and some cash. Also I will trade a 1997 Honda z50 (rare) If I have to. Here is a pic of the Kx
  14. Would it happen to be this one? http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~michall/Filmy/stunt.wmv
  15. I paid 1000, and I bought it a few weeks ago
  16. I have owned a Banshee, and now own a 89' Kx 125, and let me tell you, I would give just about anything to have my Shee back. To me the Kx isnt nearly as much fun as a Banshee. But then again i haven't ridden my Kx much. I only putted around the yard, and rode up n down the street a few times. Well I hope this helps.
  17. I just bought some new Scott Comp II's to try them out. Ill get back to you guys when I put them on, but that prolly wont be for a while because im waiting till srping to put all of my mods on. Right now they are laying in a huge pile in my room.
  18. lol i just did that to piss them off
  19. Did u get that at Rotten.com or Steakandcheese or sum shit?
  20. Thats what he gets for not buyin a Banshee
  21. I have 200 dollars to spend on my Kx. The pipe is all rusted and dented, and i could buy a new fmf fatty for 200 bucks. But i could buy plastics for 120. The plastics that are on there now are scratched and dirty, but new plastics aren't needed. Should I just buy the pipe and get the plastics another time? And where the pipe connects to the silencer, there is a leak and oil leaks all over my swingarm. I think that I should buy the pipe, but I am new to 2 stroke dirtbikes, and just wanted a second opinion. Thanks in advance.
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