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Posts posted by Klotz

  1. im sure there is a place cheaper somewhere.....but mx holeshots are aweosme...and in my opinion get the 18 inch fronts./....i ordered the c-series rims and they are heavy beasts...trust me...so i shipped em back..costed me a bit...they look awesome thogu,.,.so if you going for looks then get them but otherwise dont...i got the itp ,..i cant remember.....and ne ways i got 2 inch offset...

    like them a lot better.



    does that help[???




  2. Hi...i live in leamington....you prolly have not heard of it...it is in canada...its about 50 minuites away form detroit michigan...and 40 min away form windsor ontario...so for all you ppl in the surroundiung area..and specially michigan i was thinking we should organize a ride......for now or spring like a really big one......i dunno about you guys but that would be cool to have 50 banshees all riding.....i know there is stuff like this all over but where im from im sick of riding only 2-4 ppl...so give me your opinion and where you live or where would be a good place to have a ride like this...dunes, pits..trails etc thanks and please get back to me...



    p.s they dont even have to be banshees....i just want a big ride

  3. i would have posted this in another folder but this one gets a lot of responces.....ne ways...i live in leamington....prolly have not heard of it...it is in canada...its about 50 minuites away form detroit michigan...and 40 min away form windsor ontario...so for all you ppl in the surroundiung area..and specially michigan i was thinking we should organize a ride......for now or spring like a really big one......i dunno about you guys but that would be cool to have 50 banshees all riding.....i know there is stuff like this all over but where im from im sick of riding only 2-4 ppl...so give me your opinion and where you live or where would be a good plave to have a ride like this...dunes pits..trails etc thanks and please get bakc to me...


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