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    Albuquerque NM

ridingorhiding's Achievements

HQ Soldier

HQ Soldier (2/5)



  1. looking 4 clutch off a motorcycle- that fits the banshee,part # PLZ
  2. In my case it always does....Dessert racing here in NM my bike was overheating -more times than not..... 50+ miles per race- so cooler does mean faster than overheating!!!!!
  3. I know for a fact with my PWR.I run alot cooler.Cooler = faster & peace of mind...when racing...
  4. Never been used (stock) shoot me offers!!!Brand new take-offs...
  5. i just use a paper towel and a little duck tape around that metal piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. let me know if you find them i ll buy a pair as well
  7. Send u a e-mail or pm on rad still wanting pics plz
  8. Thanks man i glad you are happy! Sorry i was in such a rush had things to attend to.Just getting home but if it runs like it looks its all GOOD.L8ter
  9. ballpark start at 280 clip 3rd pos 27.5 pilots 2@ turns out
  10. thanks 4 the pics (yfz 450 shocks were sold )
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