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need some carb and airbox ideas please...

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I think Cascade makes or made one, could be wrong on that. I'd just make one myself, it's pretty damn easy, incredibly easy if you have access to a machine shop or something of the sort. Just trace out the pattern on some sheet metal, bend it, lay down a bead of silicone on the joints and just rivet it, or you could go a step further and just weld one if you have the skills/resources.

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the only after market box i can find is the um air box, the guy we bought the bike from didn't have the stock air box and had a 2 into one filter...this thing needs a box bad, should i try to find a stock box or go for the after market????????


Why do you need the air box?


Do you ride on wet/mudy conditions? if so, remember you will need a set of boots.


If not, I would go with 2 K&N Clamp on filters with outerwears

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yeahi mostly ride at st joes in missouri which is always wet, and its hard when your flying in 6th gear and have to slow down to go through a stream of water


If that is the case, you are right, you need it bad...


I think 2 out of 3 banshee owners have our stock air box laying around the garage and would be glad to give it away to someone who needs is... I would haply give you mine, but I gave it to my friend last week


Ask around here, or to your ringing friends, I am sure somebody has one

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