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Help! Need to find a specialty bolt!

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Ok guys, I'm thinking I may not find anyone who has seen this before or even knows the manufacturer...


If I'm lucky I'll find them or at least a replacement bolt.


This is a dual brake setup that has been on my banshee for 7 or 8 years now, I actually like it (other than trying to learn wheelies). The front brake lever was converted into "front AND back" brake. The little junction box in the pic below has that adjustment screw on top to allow me to adjust for more or less pressure on the back vs. the front when the lever is pulled.


It mounts up right where you see me holding it up to the master cylinder using the bolt in the next picture.


My problem is this bolt is bent and is causing an air leak so I can't get the brakes to bleed or prime!


I'm really hoping someone either knows the manufacturer or knows where I might be able to find a replacement bolt just like this one???


Hep me, Hep me!







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Ok guys, another question for any brake experts out there...


The banjo bolt I have is a "double banjo" however inside the housing that it goes through (pic above) there is only 1 hole for the fluid to travel through, not two.


Do I absolutely NEED a double banjo or do you think a single on will work?


Does anyone know the exact purpose of a "double" banjo? Is it for attaching 2 banjo fittings on 1 bolt typically?

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