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should i balance my lockup?


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ok,u say its a tiny amount of weight,lets say that i put them on the lockup at any random place and it turned out that id put all the heavy onext to eachother,ok lets guess that the difference in weight on one half of the clutch is .5g,what happens to weights when spun around in circles? they feel heavyier,i would guess that a clutch basket can generate minimum 5 gravitys,so that .5g weight now becomes 2.5g minimum! do u see my point now?


Yep...but you're ignoring mine.

Do you have a way to regulate the amount of fluid each finger sloshes through each and every revolution?

Cause you can balance the lockout, and I promise the slinging/sloshing effect will overcome any balancing you're doing.

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So...the weight on the lockup isn't considered drag...but the fluid is?

Tell me...doesn't adding more weight via longer bolts or nuts create more pressure, and wouldn't having to turn the heavier weight via centrifugal force be called drag???


Ok....you're right, balance away....ride it at WOT for a long period of time, PLEASE report back all the interesting findings you come across, I'm sure the data will be priceless.

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ok,u say its a tiny amount of weight,lets say that i put them on the lockup at any random place and it turned out that id put all the heavy onext to eachother,ok lets guess that the difference in weight on one half of the clutch is .5g,what happens to weights when spun around in circles? they feel heavyier,i would guess that a clutch basket can generate minimum 5 gravitys,so that .5g weight now becomes 2.5g minimum! do u see my point now?

So maybe put the more similar weighted parts directly across from each other... BAM!!! Done.

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The only person on here telling you to do it doesn't even own a lockup....

I'm quite sure knowing NYUK's style of humor his post was a joke...


Chill out...if you have that much time on your hands to shave tenths of a gram...go for it.


I'll be over here watching some paint dry...feeling productive myself....



Is that a fucking shot at me? All I said is the truth More balance = More bite. I am a QA/QC inspector I do know a few things in life. If the shee is sooooo out of balance why Tru and weld a crank? or grain match pistons... The list goes on and on, all I am saying is COMMON KNOWLAGE something wobbling out of rotation will not bite as fully as a well balanced ANYTHING! And for the OIL you speak of, It is a common density not thicker and heaver in one spot and lighter and less Viscous in the next. Assuming the weights are of the same size and shape each will pickup and sling or slosh the exact same as the next. This is drag And yes the weights also make drag but is centrically applied due to spinning of the clutch, The oil drags in a linear motion due to the fact that it sit still. Even though they are both drag Its like APPLES to ORANGES. And dont take shots because I dont have a Lock up! I got other shit like a Degree.

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Is that a fucking shot at me? All I said is the truth More balance = More bite. I am a QA/QC inspector I do know a few things in life. If the shee is sooooo out of balance why Tru and weld a crank? or grain match pistons... The list goes on and on, all I am saying is COMMON KNOWLAGE something wobbling out of rotation will not bite as fully as a well balanced ANYTHING! And for the OIL you speak of, It is a common density not thicker and heaver in one spot and lighter and less Viscous in the next. Assuming the weights are of the same size and shape each will pickup and sling or slosh the exact same as the next. This is drag And yes the weights also make drag but is centrically applied due to spinning of the clutch, The oil drags in a linear motion due to the fact that it sit still. Even though they are both drag Its like APPLES to ORANGES. And dont take shots because I dont have a Lock up! I got other shit like a Degree.

absolutly spot on texasbansheeman,respect for seeing and explaining it how it is.thankyou. :biggrin:

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If you already knew the answer you wanted, why did you make this topic streetshee? Seems like every time you post you already know the answer you want, and you just post on here to argue and start shit. Next time, just dont bother posting when you want something, you seem to think you are smarter then everybody already anyway.

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If you already knew the answer you wanted, why did you make this topic streetshee? Seems like every time you post you already know the answer you want, and you just post on here to argue and start shit. Next time, just dont bother posting when you want something, you seem to think you are smarter then everybody already anyway.

listen up knobrott,yes i had a good idea but wanted to know what the so called profis here on hq said,as there is a serious lack of real profis here,apart from a few. i think its you thats lookin for trouble mr. not me,so suck it. :down:

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Is that a fucking shot at me? All I said is the truth More balance = More bite. I am a QA/QC inspector I do know a few things in life. If the shee is sooooo out of balance why Tru and weld a crank? or grain match pistons... The list goes on and on, all I am saying is COMMON KNOWLAGE something wobbling out of rotation will not bite as fully as a well balanced ANYTHING! And for the OIL you speak of, It is a common density not thicker and heaver in one spot and lighter and less Viscous in the next. Assuming the weights are of the same size and shape each will pickup and sling or slosh the exact same as the next. This is drag And yes the weights also make drag but is centrically applied due to spinning of the clutch, The oil drags in a linear motion due to the fact that it sit still. Even though they are both drag Its like APPLES to ORANGES. And dont take shots because I dont have a Lock up! I got other shit like a Degree.


Perfect example of brains vs. knowledge....

I guess that's what that piece of paper gets you from studying out of a book...

I don't see how you have anything to say since you don't even have a lockup....

But, let's entertain that thought.


So...based on your vast QA and QC experience for a product you don't even own...tell me how driving a bike down a road with bumps at varying RPMs (shift points, etc.) would let you get the same exact amount of fluid on each finger (again...on a device you don't own) with all these variables. Where did I say the fluid had a different viscosity or makeup??


(By the way...there's this thing called spell check. I'd hate to see you turn in TPS reports with your spelling and grammar)


Why do you true and weld a crank? Simple... You true it to keep it in phase so it is balanced and firing/completing cycles at the same time. You weld it to keep it that way....


I'm sure your vast QA and QC experience would tell you the differences in stress levels between the combustion chamber and it's directly related parts are more important to this scrutiny than secondary drive train.


Who grain matches pistons? Is this something you read while on the shitter from your monthly NASCAR or Formula 1 mag?

In that case, I'm sure they do... There's just a bit of difference those and a twin two stroke bike.


I gave me opinions, I gave my support to those opinions...and facts based on my experience with a product I own and have used.


When you can say you own one and have used one...or designed one ...then you can speak from your QA/C experience.

Until then...it's just your theory against my personal experience.


Guess which one wins out.... I never saw theory at the finish line....

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I never said there would be a great Gain Just stating facts. Not theory. Your a smart ass bitch aren't you? I goes on this same principal equal mass=greater centralization. If you want to drag someone through the dirt for stating their own experience with how shit works, Then FUCK YOU. Its simple If I say something you dont like rebuttal, dont try to call someone out. Thats kinda a Bitch Move. I stated my opinion weather right or wrong its mine, you got yours and I have no problem with that. Its you who has the problem, get your head out of your all knowing ass and see that people might not need to own a lockup to know how it fucking works. Dont hate that I paid to go to school MYSELF and now employ your FAMILY. Go ahead talk some more shit for no reason............

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