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New +10 Tyson Chomoly Swing Arm

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Wow...you've been caught.

According to this thread...you've never gone by "CubBanshee"...on PS. Yet you use that name here? For the same arm?

Smells just a tad fishy....




About the 12th or so post down, didn't you just say you "Never posted" under any of those names.

Yet here on a different forum, you're selling the same arm under one of those names...


Anyone else draw the conclusion???

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this is a totally different site man an no i have never went by cubbanshee on planetsand at all it wouldnt let me because somebody already had it that is why i put the 11 after it so as for you also keep you fuckin commets to yourself when you dont know what the fuck your talking about!!!

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So...let me get this straight...


You've never gone by CubBanshee on Planet Sand...so you say.

Yet that same name, EXACT same spelling using upper case and lower case is over on another site selling the same item there as you are here?


Apparently, you think we're as stupid as you are...nice try....Someone by the same IP address used that same name on planet sand.

So....yeah, it's from YOUR HOUSE....


Good luck pedaling your shit here or there....

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So...let me get this straight...


You've never gone by CubBanshee on Planet Sand...so you say.

Yet that same name, EXACT same spelling using upper case and lower case is over on another site selling the same item there as you are here?


Apparently, you think we're as stupid as you are...nice try....Someone by the same IP address used that same name on planet sand.

So....yeah, it's from YOUR HOUSE....


Good luck pedaling your shit here or there....




1st of all you little bitch it doesnt matter if you type in lower case or not when i sign in its all lower case letters and then it capitalized them for me so try it for your self!! and yeah ill tell you right now i had cubbanshee on here and then tryed to get it on planetsand and nothing!! and like i have said 15 billion time's but i guess you are to stupid to read there are more than one person that used to get on my computer so get over it and realize your just a dumb ass and not as smart and you thought you were im done with all your childish asses!!

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Nice try....

So...what you're really saying is "Somebody else from YOUR house is using CubBanshee"...on your computer.


Yeah, we get it....not.



sure sounds fishy to me.......


5 or 6 names form one ip adress = 1 person trying to get over!!


i read that whole thread over on PS dave....

hes been found out and now has no where to screw people over and hes pissed.


if he wasnt pissed and trying to screw people i dont think he would be in here cussing you out for calling him out!


i have met cubshee from PS in person and he is a stand up guy...

i dont think he would go on any forum and call someone out for something they didnt do...




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hey i want that swingarm!!!!!! 300 shipped wasn't it? Do you accept monopoly money, i've got more 1's and 5's than you can shake a stick at! :woot:


I will see your monopoly money, and raise you professor Plum, in the Library...with a candle stick.

Don't make me bust out the chutes and ladders.....

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