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RM stator inc.


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Though RM Stator is a liar, the product works? That's what I'm looking for.

My Shee has been down for a month because It needs a new stator.. I need to run four lights, Sean @ RM gave me a good price as well but I don't know if I should trust the product. :confused:


I'm scared to get RS products & don't want it it's the same as RM.

Any other companies out there for bigger stators?

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crisse d'estie. njbanshee est une gross vache tabarnack.


just kidding bud, seriousley tho. to hell with the french they all smoke a pack a day, never shave, and are all flamboyantly gay.


anyway, if the product works why shit on em? ill support my canadian brothers any way i can, and frankly im more than happy to get american parts from him! banshee shit costs a fortune.

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I just installed a new stator and timing plate from him and it cured all of my problems. I only had it for about a week but everything is running strong so far. It was a good price too.


Not really anywhere else to go with, so take a risk here or with RS.




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what are the symptoms of a bad stator? Is there anyway to test it?


Yeah there is ways to test it using a voltmeter and all that stuff, but I didnt have one to test it with.

My symptoms were after riding for about 20 minutes I would get hesitation and missing in the midrange no matter how I was riding. So I changed every bit of jetting, even got a topend job (needed it anyway), replace coil and finally just bought a new stator and it took care of it. It was only when the stator got hot that it would act up.

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