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I'm wanting to star a drag shee. This would be my third shee in a way. One is my trail bike now. One is for my little bro till he pays me back. So any wrenching i could do.


My question is. Should i start with a working bike and modify from there. Or start with the bare frame and +2+1 arms and work from there.


thanks for the newb question, but i figure someone has played this game before me. :banghead:

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I'm wanting to star a drag shee. This would be my third shee in a way. One is my trail bike now. One is for my little bro till he pays me back. So any wrenching i could do.


My question is. Should i start with a working bike and modify from there. Or start with the bare frame and +2+1 arms and work from there.


thanks for the newb question, but i figure someone has played this game before me. :banghead:



i'd start with a working bike and mod from there.

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i honestly was sorta in ure shoes like a good year ago . I started by building everything from scratch and using a exisiting MX trail banshee motor for my bike... soon realizing my bike was slow and was pissing me off i dropped the serious bucks and bought something with a little more OOMPH ..


+2 + 1 a arms ? id just run stockers for drag racing , and a blaster rear axle ( more narrow ) . Best bet would to be to start with a running bike and go from there. If i could re do my hole banshee over i would run roundhouse style swinger thats aeroaluminum ** ?? or some other light material. You got to ask yourself , how fast do you want to go and how quick do you want to get there. That can determain where your mods should go . Looks dont make you fast.... its all out motor + Pipes + carbs ..... the rest could remain stock and you'd be a faster "" drag bike "" ...... Of course lighter is better .....


enough with the rambling i just thought id share my 2 cents.

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Unless you want to build one yourself, it is actually cheapest to pick up an already built bike from someone who is reputable. If you spend a little time over at Planet Sand, you will figure out who has quality shit. I have seen bikes go for half what they would cost to build.


Of course, if you are like a lot of us here, you want to build your own bike. But again, you can buy one of these complete bikes, strip them down, trade or sell what you don't want or want to upgrade, powdercoat and paint to your liking and still come out cheaper than buying one piece at a time. If you bought all your parts used, and got a hell of a deal on them all, say half what they cost new, you still are not going to spend less than buying one ready to run.

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i agree u might have to come up with a bigger chunk of change up front but will be cheaper almost in all cases then starting from scratch and building one and buying all the pieces to put it together,, but id start with your motor how drag u wanted to go complete it then go from there!

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If you're like me and probably the rest of us,the build is the fun part.

Although,I could have saved thousands by buying one already built.

You need to decide if you want a "drag only" quad or a fast quad you can still ride around on.

Drag quads are not for everybody.They can be very expensive.


Also,are your riding skills good enough for what you want.

Let's say you're use to a piped banshee,amd you want to build a 10 mil.That is a huge step up in performance.You might get yourself hurt if you're not careful.Take time and get use to it.


In drag racing,lighter is better.Horsepower is great but make sure the banshee can handle it.

Drag a-arms,lighter swingarm,marvin shaws,etc...are wonderful but can be expensive.

Setting a budget is important but I have no business telling ya that.I spent alot more this last build than I had planned.LOL!


Will you be racing dirt,sand,or asphault.In all of these,having the right tire and the right gearing makes a "huge" difference.Not having these right and vary depending on the track can make you lose races you should have won.

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