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couple questions

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i did a compression check after rebuilding and breaking in my shee and my cylinders are about 15 pounds off the left one is 170 and the right is 155 :huh: someone told me they can run fine with 10 pounds difference so im not too worried about it but what do you guys think...also when i start it it takes a sec for the left side to start firing

also theres a noise i havnt noticed before comming from the bottom of the cylinders or intake area it sounds like a rattling or slapping noise like the reeds slapping open and close or something :blink:

the plugs look perfect and it runs like a bat outta hell...let me know what you guys think ......im not to eager to tear it down again looking for awnsors

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Well... first question... do you have a reliable compression tester? I have heard from many people on here of compression testers not reading properly due to poor construction... how are you checking compression? Are you holding the throttle WOT while kicking it until the needle stops moving?


Dont know about the slapping noise, if its an actual slapping noise then I would be concerned. Hopefully someone else will chime in.

Edited by watkins
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i just bought the compression tester about a week ago, this was the first time i used it. yea i started it and rode it around and got it to operating temp then let it cool for a minute than checked it with WOT untill it stopped moving,

yea its not a bad slapping noise really more just a consistant rattle or knock of some sort, it fades out when you rev the engine. :wacko:

Edited by MYquadsFaster
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just a thought on that rattle. Is it more like a buzzing type of rattle than a slapping sound?? if it is, check the front of your frame skid. I got an AC frame that was bent a bit that I bent back to where should be and the front of that thing would make the most irritating vibration noise. took 2 weeks to figure it out cause it would only do it when it idled for a while or when I sat w/ the clutch in at a lower rev. finally got it to stop after I took it off to clean out a ton of wood chips out from under the motor and it stopped. put the plate back on and it came back. stopped it by sticking a few strips of foam tape between the plate and the frame.

Edited by pipebomb
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