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Rev. Jesse

The Rebel

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no the way the N word is just being tossed around on here and the way people post stuff with black people in like it is all black people if i wanted to read this suff on this site i would just go to a kkk site and deal with those ignorant people there but if it makes you feel better about whats going on there to call them n****** more power to you :shootself:

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That N word is being tossed around alot lately :confused:


no the way the N word is just being tossed around on here and the way people post stuff with black people in like it is all black people if i wanted to read this suff on this site i would just go to a kkk site and deal with those ignorant people there but if it makes you feel better about whats going on there to call them  n****** more power to you  :shootself:


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:angry:  WHO SAID THE F-WORD?!!  :angry:

...oh just the n-word.  carry on then...


I'm not sure here Brooke.....


But I think you just made a...

Oh whats it called...

A pinnacle?

No thats not it...

A...damn whats the word I'm lookin for??



Oh a point.

Yes. You just made a point.

And honestly I can't figure out what the FLOWER to say about it.


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what this isnt a kkk site :P : i call white and blacks both that name,and thats if i feel they portray it, not by their skin color.Dont be offended if your black...only be offended if you are a n***** okay? :cheers: i cant belive a name meaning"ignorant" from 200 + years ago can cause so much uproar especially amongst blacks ,calm down its just a phukin word , but honky, whitey, and cracker are all okay to use... just dont drop the dreaded "N"bomb :ph34r:

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If Jesse Jackson asked me to help him from drowning, i would put my foot on his head and do this country a favor. All that guy does is cause problems and lobby for blacks to get a free ride in life. Fact.


Why is it that he blames the "white" man for alot of the blacks' problems. If he would stop causing shit, we might just all get along instead hating each other. I dont know if anyone realizes this, but the "white" man is starting to hate "blacks" more and more because of all this bullshit. and the blacks hating the whites due to people like Jesse Jackson and his propaganda. I see it everyday just by the way people interact with each other and its sad.

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Just effin with ya.I'm not black. In fact I'm an English Canadian from Hartland, New Brunswick which makes me the furthest from. The NAACP will jump on anything and anybody with even the slightest hint of racist values. I have a feeling the democrats are cheering them on just to make the Bush admin. look ugly in the public eye.

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Just effin with ya.I'm not black. In fact I'm an English Canadian from Hartland, New Brunswick  which makes me the furthest from. The NAACP will jump on anything and anybody with even the slightest hint of racist values. I have a feeling the democrats are cheering them on just to make the Bush admin. look ugly in the public eye.


HA you had me going for a minute.



But seriously, those 3 guys that incite this shit in the US need to get the f**k out.

Ooops. I mean get the flower out.




What would happen if there was a prominant "white" figure saying "the black man...blah blah blah blah blah blah"??

Or "It was the black man that blew up those levies to flood out any white people living in NO."?


Alot of people need to wake the f**k up (sorry ...FLOWER...) and realize that racism isn't a white person saying something about a black person. Racism goes all directions. The leftist radicals and liberals in this country have too much damn power.

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