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Verrrry Intersting, was 9-11 a set up?

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the plane was its own bomb, it destroyed itself.


are u suggesting that the plane was vaporized? :blink:

no not vaporized. blown to pieces. you seriously expect to find a big ol plane sittin there after its crashed at that speed with that amount of fuel?

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the plane was its own bomb, it destroyed itself.


are u suggesting that the plane was vaporized? :blink:

no not vaporized. blown to pieces. you seriously expect to find a big ol plane sittin there after its crashed at that speed with that amount of fuel?

i would expect to see some shit. and those fires were put out by high explsive, c-4 type shit. not with a high octance fuel. its obvious it will burn like a motherfucker, look at the other two buildings from that day.

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I knew it !! it was a missile ! I had the same theory but wasnt able to put it all together until I saw all the events with eerie suspicious background music...

Heres what happened , right after the flight disappeared from radar they drove the missile up next to the plane and ordered all the passengers to walk across a plank and straddle the missile... but not everyone would fit on the missile so they had the remaining people stay on board and they went and crashed that plane into the field in the exact spot the first plane crashed into to hide the evidence !

So now Habiib Slim Pickens and passengers are riding this missile towards the pentagon

and as they approach he orders everyone to hold their arms out to the side to mimick "wings" going into the side of the building , but what the terrorists didnt notice was that the people they loaded onto the missile was actually a team of armless soccer players coming back from a tournament ... Man Habiib was pissed now , no 72 Virgins for him when he got to heaven ! So the "sssssshhhh" sound the earwitnesses heard was actually Habiib Pickens getting ready to cuss out his co-terrorist for his oversight!!

Holy crap I should like be on C.S.I. or something :notworthy:

banghead Where do you find this stuff ? Notice you didnt see any wingmarks in the side of the towers either ? The Pentagon weighs a couple pounds more than a Jetliner , it isnt going to move much when hit , and cooincidently all that fuel they are looking for was in the wings... which hit the building... which ignited and caused the mysterious second explosion .

You should have watched the story on the "Fresh Kills" landfill that was on Fox on 9-11 . This is what an Actual Documentary looks like.

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i would expect to see some shit. and those fires were put out by high explsive, c-4 type shit. not with a high octance fuel. its obvious it will burn like a motherfucker, look at the other two buildings from that day.

the other two buildings werent made from the same material as the pentagon.

this is so retarded lol everyone jumps on any conspiracy theory they can find. am i the only sane person here??


you all honestly think that it was a big government conspiracy?

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the plane was its own bomb, it destroyed itself.


are u suggesting that the plane was vaporized? :blink:

no not vaporized. blown to pieces. you seriously expect to find a big ol plane sittin there after its crashed at that speed with that amount of fuel?

no, not a big plane, but pieces of the big plane. maybe not big pieces, but a least small pieces. this video says there is no evidence of a plane hitting. in other words, no pieces of a plane at all. if a plane were to hit something, or crash, even with a full tank of fuel, it will leave something.

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the other two buildings werent made from the same material as the pentagon.

this is so retarded lol everyone jumps on any conspiracy theory they can find. am i the only sane person here??


you all honestly think that it was a big government conspiracy?

no i dont think it was a conspiracy. but i do think that no matter what anything ever at all whatsoever that is known to extist to man will show some burn marks from that much fuel. i mean thats a SHIT load of gas(assuming that number was correct). if there is some kind of coating that will resist a fire like that someone please tell me so i can mass produce it.

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this video says there is no evidence of a plane hitting.

youre right. it was posted on the internet so it must be true.

ohh, so everything in the media is true too? no im not sayin its some government conspiracy, just simply stating that its all a little suspicious. im like my brother, im from the show me state, show me and prove to me that the theory of this video is wrong.

Edited by stclark04
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bush: i wanna fuckin' kill sadam, hes a bundle of sticks.

other guy1: we have nothing on him.

other guy2: what if we tie him to terrorism.

other guy1: there havnt been any terrorist attacks from foreign terrorists since like, pearl harbor.

other guy2: ....we can fix that.

guy2: lets stage another attack on WTC and pentagon, and claim it was bin laden.

bush: but bin laden isnt sadam.

guy2: *sigh* no but we can make people think they are related.

bush: o i c.

guy2: its a plan then.

guy1: i dont like the sound of this...

guy2 proceeds to silence guy1



obviously, cant make any such claims.

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the plane was its own bomb, it destroyed itself.


are u suggesting that the plane was vaporized? :blink:

no not vaporized. blown to pieces. you seriously expect to find a big ol plane sittin there after its crashed at that speed with that amount of fuel?

Well i wanted to see peices of the plane anything relating to the plane...you ever notice that you almost always 99% of the time if a big jetliner wrecks into a fucking govt. buliding for that fact that you Might possibly see some pictures of the plane...but you never saw anything..zip,zilch, ZERO!!!


Do some research i dont think ive ever heard of a planing just disenegrating (spelling on that im not sure) in a fire after it wrecks, theres always wreckage....


And use your head..dont you think out of the many, many ppl driving close to the pentagon that day would have seen a boeing 757 flying that low to the ground doing 530 MPH...ive flown on them many times and thats a big goddamn plane..hell even if you were blind you would still hear it....but as you notice no Ever said anything about a huge freakin plane flying that damn low...and that i think is a good damn reason why it wasnt a plane....you couldnt miss something like that flying into a buliding...im sorry.....but your website down there fits you jus well......

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