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broke left leg

flat track king

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im only 14 but i figured id share anyways..Well, this didnt JUST happen but it happen recent enough to be in a cast still so i thoughtg id share while i still could..Alright so i was racing over in L.A. in lake charles got through the 1st heat spun out but still managed to get 5 out of 7 got to the 2nd heat and was runnin fast i was in 3rd right behind 2nd place and the guy in 4th was right behind me so were in the 3rd lap going into turn1 the guy in 4th came into the corner to hard and hits my rear end hard enough for me to get sideways in the middle of the corner well while i was sideways my left foot slipped off the peg and in between the back of the nerfbar and the front of the back tire well the tires well still spinning so naturally it sucked my foot under and it ended up breaking BOTH bones in my leg the tibula and fibula.. broke the tibula completly in half and cracked it up the side and broke the fibula completly in half..well everything happened so fast i didnt even feel it break so being the dumbass i am i immediatly tryed to stand up to get back on the bike well.. as soon as that leg got weight on it it collapsed like nothin ive ever seen before and it still hadnt hurt but i was like wtf whats happening and i tryed to stand up AGAIN and i fell back down and the pain started coming.. this had to be the worst pain i can imagine it hurt like nothing ive ever felt and ev.1 started running towards me and they asked me what was wrong and i just screamed that my leg was broke but the damn track officials insisted that it wasnt b/c it looked like alittle spin out well the ems got there and ripped my boot off and looked at it and took me to the hospital and x-rayed it and told me i needed pins and needles in it but i ended up coming back to houston and the doctors looked at it here and said the didnt want to put pins in it b/c i was so young and i ended up just having to wear 4 diff. cast.. i broke it on march 22 and i get it off july7 1 hella long time to wear a cast and go through misery is all i can say

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That really sucks, hope it heals real well and no problems for the long term. I broke my ankle at work a few years ago and it was a drag to go thru all that and still have trouble. Takes me a little longer to get going in the morning. Hopefully, being young will be on your side for the healing part, don't rush it, do what the doc tells ya, don't blow off therapy if they send ya neither, that is the most important part.

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It sucks being hurt! Sitting there not being able to do anything...


Take it easy on that leg, just because the cast is off doesn't mean its fully healed. It takes a long time to fully heal a bad break.

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